Voi'yar Ethnicity in The Void | World Anvil
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The Voi'yar are born in the void of space aboard space stations or ships often never having set foot upon the inner planets their ancestors came from.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Voi'yar follow different surname culture than others taking their surname from the ship they were born on or that took them or their ancestors to the station of their birth. It is considered good fortune to serve on or own your birth ship but bad luck to name a ship after it while the initial ship is still operational.


Major language groups and dialects

Voi'yar speak the Cree language created from slang terms that emerged from the various cultures that took to the stars. This paired with a sign language has developed a tongue that allows communication between Voi'yar that is largely impossible to follow for those uninitiated.


Beauty Ideals

Growing up in low artificial gravity has a significant impact on the natural development of Voi'yar bodies with nearly all of its people suffering some kind of physical defect. Though treatments can mitigate these effects many proud Voi'yar display them as signs of their membership of a people born to the great void.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

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