Cree Language in The Void | World Anvil
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Cree, or formerly called Voi'yar Creole, is a langauge that has emerged amongst the Voi'yar since the expansion of mer across the void. Though often spoken interchangably with Common some Voi'yar chose to speak almost entirely in the language.    Cree itself is formed from the slang of thousands of regional dialects from Aesalia paired with hand gestures for communication in the void if coms are not working. It originally emerged as miners from across Aesalia took to space and brought with them a mix of accents and slang terms from their own variants of Common. Over time these slang words became commonplace with Voi'yar learning them all and using them casually. With such a variation of origins slang for near everything began to come to be and new terms emerged for undefined ideas.    This lack of formal strucutre also means that Cree is both extremely difficult to learn for one not born to it but also requires constant attention to keep up to date with the evolving terms and phrases that enter and leave its parlance. Though most fluent in it are able to easily return to using it after periods of absence it is almost always evolved and different with changes as subtle as favoured accenting, structure of terms or the replacement of one slang term for another changing.
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