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The Borrack Family

The House of the Eagle

  Ordulin was formerly a trade route to the west, and the Borrack family helped grow the city into the greatest economic power in the region. Their neighbors dared not interfere, on account of their incredible wealth.   But the Army of Darkness is beholden to no one, and they fear nothing.   The Black Talon fought ferociously, but was unable to stem the tide of the undead. The army was nearly completely destroyed, along with several of the Borrack family. As the city was about to fold, the armies of Selgaunt and Exaltia arrived and saved what remained of the city.   Several things happened shortly after:  
  • Charles Borrack, for reasons unknown, ordered parts of the Black Talon to stand down and open their gates, allowing the Aubirrel army to march into the keep.
  • Yilenda Borrack was immediately married to King Sirrus Aubirrel
  • Stacy Aubirrel was married to Charles Borrack
  • The Selgaunt army left, while the Aubirrel army remains to this day
  • Kiersten Borrack, the youngest of the surviving Borrack children, is now a bitter rival of her brother Charles, whom she blames for the destruction of her house.   The city has been somewhat rebuilt, though the threat of the Army of Darkness has convinced traders to take the more perilous ships off the southern coast from Selgaunt.   The Borrack family tends to have dark brown or black hair.  
      Knights: The Black Talon   Flag: Black Eagle on White Banner   Motto: "Where wealth leads, order will follow"   City: Ordulin


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