1.2 Sealed Chapel

  • The cloak on the corpse is a Cloakfiend
  • It wait to attack until the corpse is looted
  • Description
  • A long hall with 2 alcoves on each side
  • NW alcove
  • A series of 3 sealed, clay pots
  • Inside are a total of 1210 cc and 27 sc
  • SW alcove
  • Two, perfectly square stones
  • NE alcove
  • A long, pine-wood bench
  • SE alcove
  • A long, pine-wood bench
  • At the far end is an altar covered in a clothe upon which sits a clay mug
  • The altar clothe is a painting on a serge backing. It is a garish green, pinkish orange, and light green (although that maybe just the paint fading). It depicts a snake person, hung upside down or standing on its head; it's not clear. Their feet, which are against the earth, appear to spend plague and pestilence to people who've built a town on a large mound or hill.
  • It depicts the judgement of Vitharr on the Meedt settlement
  • See the "Bit of History" section
  • 7 Wear / 51 sc
  • In the clay mug is a dark, steel-gray liqud
  • A Potion Of Sap Intellect w/ 1 swig
  • Behind the altar is a small lead vial sealed with blue candle wax
  • Inside is the vial is thick, almost oatmeal liquid.
  • It clinks when moved
  • There are 17 gc hidden in the liquid
  • A Liar's Potion w/ 3 swigs
  • Before the altar is a robed corpse sitting on a stool
  • The corpse is mummified, leaning on a rusted sword
  • The sword will crumble on pick up
  • Around the body is a thick, soft, black cloak
  • A Cloakfiend
  • Underneath the cloak, are simple clothes, almost dust from age except for a bundle of papers bound with silver twine.
  • The bundle is a talisman (obvious to the characters)
  • it is a Talisman of Administration (not obvious to the characters)
  • The stool is made of holly
  • The top is carved to look like an ouroboros with a depiction of the Howling Teeth inside it
  • 9 Wear / 150 sc

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