3.7 Guard Alcove

  • 4 Giant Rats scuttling around the shelves
  • 2d4! Giant Rats each time the characters re-enter the room after a random encounter check
  • 4 Skeletons
  • They will attack if the characters try to disturb the halberd that one carries
  • The halberd has a lead head and an ebony shaft. Along base and where the head is connected to the shaft are carved scenes of a wild forest. It is extra-sharp (6), well-balanced (4), and reinforced (2)
  • 8 Wear / 147 sc
  • Description
  • A small alcove with four skeletons
  • Three are sitting around a Gundru board
  • Any Knach, Pfaets, and lowland Kiendmen will know the rules
  • Two identical clay vials are behind one of the skeletons
  • One is surprisingly heavy and contains a clear liquid that reflects orange in the light
  • A Leadfoot Potion w/ 2 swigs
  • The other has blue liquid that bubbles quietly
  • A Potion Of Intoxication w/ 1 swig
  • One is leaned against the far way, out in the corner
  • In the crook of its arm is a halberd
  • Detailed under Threats

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