
The people of the West Valley are the most populous and diverse - many see themselves, first, as a citizen of their Barony before a member of their nation. While they pursue many different things, what they pursue, the pursue with passion and drive. While others may look down at this for being zealous and overbearing, any Knach will tell you that they're just jealous that they don't live life to the fullest like they do.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Traders, democratic, expansionist, mercenary, crafters, artisans  

Who is Strong?

A generous and giving person  

Who is Family?

Immediate family

Common Characteristics


Willful, adaptable  


No half messures  


All humans have a Relationship to their family (whatever that means for their culture; See the Who is Family? section above).

Preferred Loadout

In the highlands, you'll see medium armor, typically lamellar, with a large piercing weapon.
In the lowlands, you see more heavy armor and trauma weapons.   Those from the Barony of Loch will tend to have no ranged weapons while those from the Barony of Meedt will, favoring crossbows.   Those from the Barony of Ingsdt favor Brigandine and a large weapon with a complementry sidearm. Only very occassionally will you see crossbows. If an Ingsdt company has been in an area for awhile, like the Gray Company, they'll adapt to who they're fighting but it's a pretty big commitment to do so.   It is very common for the nobility of the Grand Barony of Hiewia to use Vipling style loadout - not because it's necessarily practical but as a status symbol.  

Other Things to Note


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