Aschimann's Theater



A octagonal theater of timber. Each joint of the octagon is carved to look like a beautiful man or woman expressing various emotions but crude graffiti adds things that carver never intended: mustaches, oversized genitals, lolling tongues, crossed eyes, etc.


The center of the building gives way to a courtyard and stage (allowing natural light to be used for plays). The courtyard is trampled dirt while the walls are open alcoves and booths with seats.  


Performances start in the afternoon and then go will past midnight.   The earlier performances are 'art house': intimate plays about the struggles of humanity. They're simply set and dressed but the actors are clearly passionate about the subject matter. They're sparsely attended.   The later performance are low-brow raunchy comedies that involves gratuitous vulgarities of all kinds: swearing, dirty jokes, nudity, and violence. They always play to a packed house. Most of the actors perform in both plays, except for Aschimann, who is notable absent after a certain point in the late afternoon.  
Courtyard (standing): 1 cc
1st level booth: 0.5 cc
2nd level booth: 1 sc


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