
Dransdt is a mysterious place, used as a boogeyman for those in the other Baronies. Rumors of poverty, slavery, and brainwashing filter out of the reclusive and xenophobic area. It's people are divided: there are those that believe wholeheartedly in the power of the Father, those that fight, in secret, for a better world free of His tyranny, and those that have been broken.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Totalitarian, Inward-facing, religious, slavers  

Who is Strong?

A follower  

Who is Family?

The state and those who are faithful to the Cult of the Father.

Common Characteristics


Taciturn, sly  


It is only through utility that a thing has value  


All Drangsdt have a Relationship to the Cult of the Father; most are positive but a growing percentage reflect a growing unhappiness with the state of things.

Preferred Loadout

The majority of the populate has sidearms or go unarmed, and slings as non-sidearm weapons, armor, and shields are forbidden except among the Vicars.
Vicars wear medium armor, preferring lamellar for its speed, and swords as status symbols
Soldiers carry basic polearms and padded armor.  

Other Things to Note


Drangsdt is an active, and main participant in the slave trade; capturing people from all over the Middle Realm to bring them back to Drangsdt as 'grafts' to be 'grafted' into the community.

Public Services

Drangsdt "justifies" this enslavement by providing shelter, food, clothing, education, religious services, institutions, and medical care to those brought back; you're free to do anything but leave and worship your own faith.
Everyone's jobs are assigned and strictly controlled. No parties. No unauthorized gatherings of any kind, in fact.


Of course these public services are a form of control but they're also a form of indoctrination, selling the lie of Drangsdt being a utopia. Everything, from the lowest shop to the highest intitute of higher learning is infected with the worship and commands of the Father.


Anyone who can't do a job of some kind is put to death as they provide no utility to the Dominion and the Father. People born with disabilities or who get injured permanently are 'purified' immediately. It is commonly parroted that a purfied person is able to be of better service to the Father in the next life.


Information is power and power is strictly controlled by the Dominion. As such, while the Vicars are Weird-Adepts, only those in the highest echelons of power are allowed to study Occultism. Those heretics that seek to persue knowledge the commoners weren't meant to posess are tortured and purified.


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