
Dun's Horde
Nomadic herder and raiders, the Dunk have been the scourage of Loch and Hiewia, reaving their lands and looting their Strongholds and villages since they first Invaded. Being on the run have made them lean, meaning, reaving machines that have changed the structure of their horde to reflect their need to be able to move and adapt.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Reavers, raiders, nomads, decentralized military, survivalists  

Who is Strong?

A leader  

What Does it Mean to be a Leader?

Someone who provides for their followers

Common Characteristics




Things which seem difficult become easy if you use your brains  


Dreams of the good life  

Preferred Loadout

The Dunk are a people in flight: they're nomads who prioritize the ability to be gone by the time the enemy comes arounds. As such, having no armor is very common, paired with a shield that focuses on cover but having a secondary, 'dueling' shield is not uncommon.   In terms of weapons, it is whatever they can find, which means, since they've been on the run in Loch and Hiewia, that means large piercing weapons and trauma weapons. What armor they scavenge is repurposed into new weapons or other pieces of equipment.   The Dunk have completely discarded guns in favor of bows, which can be more easily made and maintained.   They've also kept the traditional orcish long coat, with it's primary color with a secondary accent color, however, they've taken to shortening it with the hem falling around the knee as opposed to the ankle or mid-shin. It is not clear why.  

Other Things to Note


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