Grand Barony of Hiewia
by Azgaar
Head(s) of State
- Warlady Griti
- (Unofficially) Count Rydo
Gen. Demographics
Total Pop: 501,861Hexes: 61
Pop Density (sq mile): 95
Pop / Hex: 8,227
Largest City: Hiewia
Capital: Hiewia
Nation Breakdown
Hiewia (Knach) 76%Entaufha (Pfaets) 5%
Orcs 5%
Ingsdt (Knach) 5%
Vipling 5%
Meedt (Knach) 3%
Other: 1%
Religion Breakdown
The Brotherhood 65%Ancestor Cult 20% (60% in the Upper Class)
The True Way (Ancestor Cult ) 5% (75% in the Heesu Highlands)
Cult of the Father 5% (90% chance if a member of the University)
Other: 5%