
The Mersk are a group that sets itself apart from other orcs by being more interested in fight and battle than conquest and occupation. The politics of others are just an excuse for them to reveal in battle. They've co-opted the human knightly order and used to to seek out and train themselves for the fight.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Knights, mercenaries, sellswords, wandering justicars  

Who is Strong?

A leader  

What Does it Mean to be a Leader?

One who teaches others

Common Characteristics




Fight fair and you will also find friends  


Seeks to hone themselves  

Preferred Loadout

The Mersk train to do one thing: hit first and hit harder, with an emphasis on hitting hard. As such, they universally prefer two-handed weapons, particularly two-handed slashing weapons. Medium armor is preferred but both light and heavy are to be found.   Guns are still used but have taken a backseat due to the preferred fighting style of the Mersk. If used at all, it is via an opening volley before a charge.   The long coats of the orcs have been adapted for the cool climate by transitioning from linen and cotton to buckskin for the warmth. While they keep their bright primary colors and secondary accent color, a dragon is usually painted or embroidered over the chest. Typically, these long coats are now only worn during special occasions except by the leadership of the Mersk.  

Lizard Mounts

Grandmaster Mersk formed a fast friendship with the Vipling mercenary, Ironskull Hylmer, who gifted him, and his direct retainers, lizard mounts. These have become popular among the Order of the Dragon as cavalry.  

Other Things to Note


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