Sacred Barony of Al

by Azgaar



Head(s) of State




Gen. Demographics

Total Pop: 17,320
Hexes: 8
Pop Density (sq mile): 25
Pop / Hex: 8
Largest City: Ari
Capital: Fortress of Al

Nation Breakdown

Al (Zwek): 70%
Juwango (Zwek): 15%
Orc 10%
Other: 5%

Religion Breakdown

United Patriarchate of Al (Brotherhood): 80%
Brotherhood: 15%
Ancestor Cult: 4%
Other: 1%


These are aspects and elements that you can blend and remix when working with this culture:

Baronial Pfalzen

it's probably pretty common for barons to have castle within their vassals' strongholds. These are called the 'pfalz' (plural: 'pfalzen') and the baron or steward will stay in them while visiting the main stronghold but they also forms a fortified area in their own right, serving as a reminder of baron's power while they're not there and, ideally, as a way to get inside the main stronghold should a rebellion break out.



Crank Bridges


Holy & Complete

Cover image: by Azgaar


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