The Great Mounds



A series of grass mounds that rise up, uniformly from the outlying area. In the midst of these, is a great stone statue of a crowned man from whose neck sprouts the heads of many lizards. He holds a dagger that he is using to slit his own tongue, which extends a ways from his gaping mouth. Down his back is a cloak of severed arms.   Before the statue is a stone altar.


There is a 1-in-10 chance of a dead body being displayed on the altar.


Each mound is dedicated to a specific family and, near the base of each hill will be a small stone noting the family's name. Only a single mound has no family.


Underground is a series of burial chambers contected to each other and the central preparation chamber via carved tunnels.

Getting Inside

Only after midnight can a priest touch his hand to the altar, pushing it aside to reveal a set of stairs descending into the earth.  
No Family Marker
The mound with no family marker is for those who die without a clan or family mound; travelers, the disgraced, beggars, etc.

Burial Chambers

Each burial chamber is under a mound. Burial chambers are uniform; circular with alcones to store the bones of the dead.

Preparation Chamber

The preparation chamber is directly below the statue and where you enter and exit the catacombs. It is also circular, although far larger than the other burial chambers.   It has a series of stone tables on which the dead are stripped of their flesh. Their bones are then cleaned and laid to rest.

Other Notes

  • Heretical
  • They reject the overlordship of the Bishop of Prensuchdt and claim to be part of the Archdiocese of Meedt
  • Secret
  • The priests and anointed meet in the catacombs and take care of the dead
  • Mainstream beliefs
  • worship Beothar primary
  • Anyone can join

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