the Guilders

St Avola's Guild.png
by Azgaar
St Avola’s Guild are seen as foreigners but at least ones that are trying to keep the peace.  

Faction Game Info


Sundry Guild


To establish a strong presence in Kystinlagir

Current Agenda

The Guilders want to strengthen their say in Kystinlagir
however they have few allies and connections to family in the local populous
therefore they're lookng to get permission from the village to start settling Meedt refugees in the village.



Other Info

Leaders & Hierarchy

  • Lead by Townling Froda
  • Relationships

  • Aligned with St Avola’s Guild
  • Treasures

  • Identifying Features & Costumes

  • A pewter guild sigil, usually worn on the color with a yellow thread hanging from the back.
  • The sigil shows the guild's heraldry
  • The pewter sigil is common among all guild members but usually worn during formal occassions.
  • The Guilders have started to wear it so show they are above the petty squabbles of Kystinlagir

  • Related Locations

    Building / Landmark | Aug 18, 2024


    Cover image: by Azgaar


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