The True Way

by Azgaar
Since the dawn of history, the Heesu Highlands have been the battle ground between the Brotherhood Hiewia barons and counts and the Ancestor Cult Vipling warlords and -ladies. From these battlefield was born the True Way: a way of blood, fire, and steel.  

Basic Beliefs

As the baseline Ancestor Cult with:
  • To die honorably is to die fighting
  • If you die honorably, you will be given powers in the next life
  • The Brotherhood are snakes in sheep's clothing
  • They speak of peace but only bring war if you resist

  • Holy Sites, Temples, & Rituals

    As the baseline Ancestor Cult, although they have specialized alters used to catch blood, which is used both in their induction rituals and in their human sacrifice rituals.   Both friend and foe are sacrificed: before a great battle, a volunteer will often be ritually killed and eaten as a way of 1) having the volunteer influence the battle from the other side and 2) having those that eat the flesh be ritually adopted by the sacrifice so that the soldiers might be influenced by the new divinity of the sacrificed.   Foes are sacrificed, their meat is stripped and their bones ground to dust, then they are burnt and the ashes spread to the four winds. In this way, the spirit is also destroyed, making sure the person doesn't join the ranks of the dead.  

    Common Motifs

    As the baseline Ancestor Cult but a common motify is the griffin as a link between the sky and the dead (the hawk) and the land and the living (the lion). To one of the True Way, it represents the duty to fight now and in the here after.  

    Hierarchy & Leadership

    As per the baseline Ancestor Cult although independent ashcallers are very important. The Vipling in the Heesu Highlands are extremely tribalistic and the ashcallers serve as diplomats and neutral parties: often being called on to judge between tribes.  

    Notable Members


    Common Theological Questions

    What are Invasions?

    As per the baseline Ancestor Cult  

    What is beyond the Mountains?

    As per the baseline Ancestor Cult  

    What are the Divines?

    They're the ancestors of the enemy: they just lie and cheat and teach their descendents to do the same.


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