Pit of the Goddess Upper Chambers
Light blue: waterfall from above
dark blue: where the water drains into the
Lower Lake, creating a whirlpool
Fishers, gift watchers
Gifts wear scales to keep warm + anything else they can find
They hardly look or act like people any more
use ranged weaponry
Outers who throw stuff in are Giving Spirits who must be appeased
People who climb down into the well are exiled spirits - banished for greed ('Greedy Spirits' - Vithiegen
Those thrown down and surivive are gifted and accepted into the tribe - most humans are hybrid and descendents of survivors
Greed is the highest sin. If few gifts, someone has gotten too greedy.
Beach is scattered with debris
Second cavern are the fungi gardens
Random Encounter Info
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Special 2 |
Location Map
Pit of the Goddess Overview