
Jopvi's Horde
The Volkt launched their Invasion by taking a major Stronghold but, since then, have been on the run, bouncing between Meedt and Loch but this hasn't broken them: it has only made them more tenacious and scrappy. Nomadically living off the rich fields of the West Valley, the Volkt are have become known for their duality: on one hand, they take what they can and kill who they must but, on the other, they count their word as more previous than gold or food.  

At a Glance

Cultural Touchstones

Soldiers, highwaymen, scavengers, diplomats, tinkers  

Who is Strong?

A leader  

What Does it Mean to be a Leader?

To provide for the people below you

Common Characteristics




Try and try again  


Never breaks their oaths

Preferred Loadout

The Voltk prefer light armor, due to its mobility, over buckskin coats underwhich are layers of cotton and linen clothing. These clothing pieces are looted from Loch and follow their fashion, however, it is only in the construction of the clothes as the orcs do not care whether hose goes over the undergarments or anything related to gender conventions.   The buckskin is a conversion of the orcs' traditional coats: large and voluminous, these were originally linen but, due to the cold, the supple leather of buckskin is much preferred. They still retain their preference for mainly being one, bright color with an accent color.   For weapons, the Volkt prefer trauma weapons for war but carry a cinquedea specifically for dueling. When you kill someone with it, you take their cinquedea and bury your old one with the body so that it shows it was an honorable duel   Guns are status symbols. Since gunpowder is rare - only consistently manufactured by more sedentary orcs - only the elite can really afford to fire their guns. Nevertheless, guns are seen as a symbol of leadership and office so horde officials will often carry them in the same way that people might carry a specter.  

Other Things to Note


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