Wet Vault

There is a 1-in-6 chance that Waltrayd is there (otherwise, she's traveling).  



This cave serves as the office and landing spot for the officers of the Otters, including the bedroom of Slippery Livon. It is richly arrayed, with this carpeting and tapesteries on the wall that serve to alleviate the damp.  

Entrance to the Wet Vault

The underground tunnel that links the antechamber and the Wet Vault is flooded during high tide but it otherwised accessed by pools in the floor.   When drained, a grown man can walk comfortable between the two places.   Regardless of the water level, the tunnel is guarded (although those on duty often get lax during high tide).

Wet Vault

This is an open cave where smuggled goods and the gang treasure is held.   Prisoners are also kept here (they're searched if released, of course). Sometimes they're just held until ransom is paid, but prisoners thought to have important information are tortured via burn and smoke suffocation in full view of the others.


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