Livon's Otters' Camp

Livon's Otters' Camp

General Description

A dank series of caves. Cloth hangings are used to keep the echos down and divde up the space but it does little against the cold. The feel is like an upper-class shanty town.  

The People

Generally, older men - most bear gruesome scars and war injuries. Although they are standoffish, they're not hostile or unfriendly. While in their own groups, they laugh loudly and partake freely in vices in the open.   Everyone here has the mark of Livon's Otters: a tattooed of three strikes on the ankle.  

GM Notes

This is the main base of Livon's Otters, which are a part of the Minor Outlaw Bands major Faction.  
Buying & Selling
Because of the small number of Otters, they use a Favor Economy: "You can just have this" with the understanding that, at some point in the future, you'll either give me something I need or pay me back with a favor.   There is a mercer and old clothes store, but they serve more as a central exchange - specially with the mercer serving as a way to distrubute excess gear that the captains don't want to keep any more (which means that it's free but first-come-first-served).  

Points of Interest




Rules for the Faction Game can be found here
  The Factions represent the personal and, in everyone elses' opinion, petty, dispute between Katron and Waltrayd, two of three captains of Livon's Otters.   Waltrayd believes that Katron is a gloryhound who lacks the spinal cord to actually stand up for what she believes in; instead, Katron seeks to backbite and whisper her way into power.   Katron believes that Waltrayd is a callous bitch who thinks she's better than everyone. Waltrayd also doesn't spend enough time in the camp or with other Otters to know anything about how the gang is run and what's best for it.   The only time that people willingly engage in this squabble is when they need one or the other captains to do something for them. Otherwise, they're tired of the in-fighting.  





General Info

Gen. Demographics

Total Pop: ~50 (~25 non-combatants)
Area (acre): 1

Nations Breakdown

Meedt (Knach) 1 - 85
Hiewia (Knach) 86 - 98
Loch (Knach) 99
Other: 100

Religion Breakdown

The Brotherhood 1 - 99
Other: 100



  • Slippery Livon
  • Vassals






  • Ancient

  • Inspirations

    This section is just a freeform area to jot down inspirations as they strike so they're not forgotten when it's time to fit out the article more fully or update it.

  • Regional Map

    North Wisthulz

    Table of Contents


    Birgliyti & Stionhays

    Supplies Stionhays with supplies on the DL because the elves of the Birgliyti are sabotaging Stionhays's supplies and gear.   Because of this, they're in a shadow war with the Birgliyti.   They're the parent faction of the South Merchants (Stionhays) and the Otter’s Eyes (Birgliyti).

    Black Brothers

    They're being extorted by the Black Brothers, who use their connections to make putting in at the Prensuchdt docks much more difficult.

    Faylir Jyngi

    Livon's Otters by pass Faylir Jyngi by bribing him with fine food.


    The captain of the Ilfinwachi, The Goblin Antun, likes his fine good and wears and the only way he can get it via the Livon's Otters which visit him regularly with new things to buy.


    When trading with the 'upper class' of Kynobirtheim, Livon's Otters will often meet with them at the Seigen's Stones


    Because of the Livon's Otters, the route along their river to and from Prensuchdt is a little more expensive.


    Because of their friendship with the Black Brothers, the Livon's Otters are looking to undermine their connection with the Sympfilfin, however they don't understand the relationship is between the elves and the other gang and so their overtures have been rebuffed.  


    Why Here?

    It allows the Otters to monitor movement along the river. Additionally, the flooding channels have carved caves that are hard to get to at high tide, making the whole thing way more secure.

    What Does the Camp Provide?

    Besides being able to track movement along the river, which is information that can be past onto other outlaw gangs for a premium, it can also be used to launch raids.   Beyond that, it serves as a storage place for smuggled goods.

    What Does It Lack?

    Food supply - it subsists on fishes and eels, and, to a lesser degree, small game from around the area.
    Fresh air - especially at high tide, air is supplied by small shafts in the ceiling that need to be cleared
    Crafted goods - this is gotten via smuggling from the surrounding settlements.

    What Threatens It?

    Black Brothers are actively trying to hunt them to extinction.

    How does it Protect Itself?

    The Otters stay contained to a small, trusted band of people so they're hard to infiltrate and track. They've also been courting the Amalrioker Clan to give them some political protections.

    What Are the Norms?

    Traditions, Beliefs, Religions, etc. What does the average person value? What are its Traditions? What beliefs does everyone have? What are the major and minor religions? How do the people see themselves?


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