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Igor from the clan Igor of überwald

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The Tower of Allfield pt 1

5/13/2021   The Tower of Allfield pt 1   Ruby, Igor, and Leroy are on the road heading towards east when they find a tent full of limbs. Kicking one of the legs the party finds that it is attached to a person, Eileen drunkenly wakes up and separates herself from two people whose names she cannot remember at this time. They join up and head together to Marith’s Docks, a dock town full of whore houses, bars, and strip clubs to keep sailors entertained and more importantly keep sailors' coins from leaving.   Traveling away from Marith’s Docks, our party arrives in Allfield. The antithesis of Marith’s Docks, Allfield is clean and full of nearly identical looking people who also look just like the farmers they met in farms nearing Allfield. A heavily agricultural town with a church of worshiping the goddess of the harvest. (we are basically in Kansas) They stay in a delightful gnome owned inn and learn of a goblin infestation in a tower to the north. The party agrees to help the village by eliminating the goblins.   The following morning the party scopes out the tower and sees no coming and going of goblins. Igor climbs the tower wall to see what was on the balcony. As he arrives it is clear that they are in the distant past, possibly in the Galdorian empire. Seeing nothing dangerous Igor lowers a rope for the rest of the party to climb. Once on the balcony LeRoy has a strange vision of a past encounter of his grandmother Tina. Before the vision ends she looks at him and says “there is nothing worth dying for here”. Exploring further down the tower Ruby has a vision of a conflict from her past. In the war room of her manner she argues with a laner demon on tactics of invasion Before the end of the vision he looks at her and says “ there is nothing here worth dying over.” As they explore further downward Eileen finds a book that speaks to her mind. She discovers we are in a magic library where information can be added or copied but nothing can be removed. The book is unaware of what is causing the townsfolk to disappear nor of what is causing the visions. Moving forward Igor has a vision of sadness where he lost his brother Igor in a tower explosion of the mad scientist he had been assisting. Searching the rubble for any remains to pass on to future Igors. As his older brother Igor rests his hand on Igors should to offer the comforting words he recalled, instead he says “There is nothing here worth dying for”

3/31/2021 Ol’ dirty Tina done put out the call

3/31/2021 Ol’ dirty Tina done put out the call   LeRoy, Igor, Ruby, Beadle, and Eileen respond to a letter sent by LeRoy’s grandmother Ol’ Dirty Tina “Listen y’all, ol’ dirty Tina done put out the call for the kinfolk to skitter back to the holler. And if Granny is putting out the call, you know I gotta get back there faster than green grass through a goose. It’s those Hatfields up to no good again. They done killed off half the green in the holler, and if anything is going to put a burr under Granny Tina’s saddle, that’d be it. Anyone interested in kicking those egg-suckin’ Hatfields back to where they belong? Who’s with me? Let’s do it for Granny Tina.”   As they head towards the scrublands the start to see the trees are dried up, dying or burned. Once they make it to Ol dirty Tina’s hut they see the 60’ surrounding the hut is still lush and vibrant. Tina invites the group in and offers cookies and strange but strong tea. She goes on to explain her suspicion of the Hatfields and their nightly rituals around a black tree in the woods on the other side of the yellow creek. Fucking Hatfields…   In order to cross the creek it is decided that LeRoy needs to be disguised to not be seen as a McCoy. A short montage later with the aid of Eileen’s makeup and Igor’s Cloak of many Fashions LeRoy is turned into a pretty lady who is definitely not a McCoy. They head off over the creek to investigate the black tree. Coming upon a black twisted and gnarled tree they see 3 elves chanting and dancing around it, one is holding a headless chicken. LeRoy has a hard time hearing but hears familiar prayers to Corellon. Eileen addresses the group posing as a lost traveler looking for town. The elves decide to help her by giving her beer and teaching her to sing free bird. She learns that they believe the McCoys are responsible for the dying woods and have been doing ancient prayers at the tree to slow the decay. A short conversation about decay, moonshine, and weed follows. They receive instructions on how to find their way back to town using the units of measure bph (beers per hour) and verses of freebird and head on in search of the corruption. They find themselves at the ruins where the lizardgoatbatpig who was killing horses at the broken nail ranch was hiding out. There are now 5 orcs who have been excavating the ruins with a Human woman shouting orders at them. Combat ensues…. As the combat continues the woman knows Eileen, the party knocks her unconscious and takes her as a prisoner for later questioning. The party attempts to question her but it is short lived before she convulses, foams at the mouth, bleeds from the ears and dies.   They decide to head into the hole where they encounter 3 orcs and a giant human man who turns into a wareboar. Combat ensues…. They emerge victorious. They find the altar has been robbed of its orb, Returning to the corpse of the wearboar they find the orb in his cloak. Beadle uses his mage hand to return the orb to the altar. It showers the room in a glowing green light causing the parties hair to grow slightly.

3/17/2020 Return to Thistlefoot

3/17/2020 Return to Thistlefoot   Beadle, Igor, Eileen, Leroy, and Ruby meet up in Port Domina interested in investigating the strange going ons in the Thistlefoot woods. Weird purple healing potions are exchanged, Beadle shows off his new mastif mount and the group heads to the local potion purveyor Mira to buy healing potions.   Our brave adventurer set forth to Thistlefoot, which is bustling with activity of lumberjacks foragers and other towns folk. Deeper into the woods the activity thins and stops. The group nears the clearing they once fought giant moss lizards the forest becomes eerily silent, all sounds of insects, blowing leaves, bending branches all stops. No wildlife can be seen, only plants. Sam comes wandering up into the party, all evidence shows that he never left the woods from their first trip to this location. Concerned by the abnormal conditions of the wood LeRoy suggests to Beadle to send his mighty Chucksbee into the air to scout the area. Chucksbee land on a tree limb above, however this tree is not normal, it doesn't yield under the weight of the flying squirrel, the branch yields almost like flesh under his little claws and portion of the tree covered thickly in moss opens an eye and looks at the small beast. Investigating a second tree he sees moss pulling away from the tree with tendrils and eyes looking for the source of the disturbance to the tree it was attached to. With this information passed on to the rest of the group the party expects a fight to follow and plans a preemptive sneak attack. Igor fires an arrow into the moss of one of three trees. 3 humanoid moss monsters pull off of the trees…. COMBAT ENSUES. The creatures take damage and become weak but cannot die unless burned. The group slays the 3 beasts and begins to investigate the nearby stream to determine if it is related to the living moss. Beadle smokes his pipe and detects magic, he sees magic tendrils flowing out from the creatures heading into the woods the direction the party was heading.   Beadle leads the group into the woods following the tendrils. They come upon a familiar clearing with a fallen tree where the giant lizards of moss were encountered. The moss that were once lizards is found to be shriveled and gray and the tendrils seen by Beadle are seen to be passing through trees that have been split up the middle where bloody viscera can be seen. Uneased the party moves forward towards the cave they once found the knoll camp around. There they find the burned remains of tents and other evidence of their last conflict. LeRoy, cunning ranger that he is, spots several bushes that “aint right”. 8 moss beast appear and …. COMBAT ENSUES. The party emerges from combat victorious. Tired from combat the heroes decide to take a short rest before delving into the cave. Not a half of an hour passes before a giant quadrupedal mosster emerges from the cave…. COMBAT ENSUES. The group is victorious, they continue their rest.   LeRoy makes more goodberry chaw and hands 3 to Sam, and one to each other person. They all head into the cave sending Chucksbee ahead to scout for threats the group works their way to the altar they once found. Once they find the room it is overgrown with a mass of moving vines…. COMBAT ENSUES. Victory follows as LeRoy coldly slits the throatish area of the mass. Promptly following Beadle begins to detect and identify magic, receiving visions of large amounts of magic and fiendish teeth gnashing at him. He sees that the altar is missing its orb and has been defiled. Insight from Sam reveals this is a very ancient Galdorean artifact of immense magic. In an attempt to defile the ruins LeRoy stands upon it to lay some rope. As the ploppers fall LeRoy becomes a sheep wanders around the room eating scraps of fallen vines. Despite this the group searches the rest of the cave and find a chest containing 1000 cp, 6000 sp, 2300 gp, 100 pp, Bolt of Silk (25 gp), Small Bag of Spices (25 gp), Silver Cloth Ribbon (25 gp), Polished Stone Mask (25 gp), Potion of Speed (very rare, dmg 188.

A Call to Shadowfall Manor

Port Domina Igor, Eileen, Ruby, Grayson, Eelora, and LeRoy are wandering through the streets of Port Domina. They hear a passing newsy shouting out headlines one catches the parties attention. "Assistance wanted at Shadowfell Manor: Feral animals coming down from The Ashkeeper Peaks have been an increasing disturbance. They have a distinct aura about them and have been acting... peculiar. We are willing to pay out gold to anyone willing to thin out the beasts. We also offer a reward for anyone who comes to us with information leading to the cessation of these beasts. Inquire at Shadowfell Manor, in the clearing OUTSIDE of the walls in the front, there you will receive further information." Ruby was unaware and is surprised to hear the manor is offering rewards without her knowledge.   The party heeds the call and heads to Shadowfall Manor. They arrive and meet two other adventurous souls after bounty camped in a clearing near the manor. Manor staff arrive to explain the situation and are surprised to find Ruby, They explain the animals are uncontrollable and refuse all efforts to plakate them. The common thread apart from violent behavior is a slight yellowing of the eyes. The group heads inside the manor and are awed by its ancient opulence. They wait for morning to begin hunting the feral beasts.   Trekking over hills and up bluffs the party hunts for the malignant beasts. Atop of a hill our heroes find a battle taking place between 2 giant goats, 4 spiders and 3 vultures. Igor unsuccessfully attempts to shoot the spiders from afar. Out of patience with Igor’s failures, Grayson charges in with his mighty broadsword missing a spider just as mightily. Battle ensues. After dispatching the motley assortment of critters our team heads on in search of more ignoble critters.   Skulking their way through the woods, crossing a stream, the five adventurers happen upon two enormous elk. Quick as snot the elk charged Grayson. Combat follows and the elks are slain. Just as the battle is ending two bears cross the stream and as they enter the water they shudder and convulse, taking on yellow eyes and a hostile demeanor. Suddenly enraged the bears attacked the group. After a short skirmish the bears lay dead. Investigating the water of the stream, oily yellow strings can be seen. In an effort to find out more the group heads up stream.   After a short hike they find a cave. Why not go in, I mean really why not. Working their way down they hear whispers coming from the depths. They begin to sneak but Ruby kicks a rock into the path it strikes LeRoy drawing a yelp before it rolls under Igors foot causing him to fall flat upon his face alerting what appears to be 3 Cultists surrounding a body on an altar. The jig is up, no time for talking, a fight breaks out. As the cultists begin to fall, one hastily finishes reading an incantation from a tome causing it to explode and send an evil yellow magic aura through the team, staggering them. Suddenly Rufus and Elora become enraged, yellow eyed, and interested in attacking everyone. Grayson pommel whips Elora knocking her unconscious, as she falls they yellow drains from her eyes. LeRoy attempts to tackle Rufus and pins him for a short moment before the dog blinks away and fails to bite Igor and is quickly subdued, being broken from the violent trance. Eileen traces the source of the evil to be three statues in the cave. A mighty Grayson topples two of the statues and the third is taken down by Ruby clearing the stream of the vile contamination. Our friends, victorious, journey back to Shadowfall Manor to report their experiences and collect their reward.

The Case of the Missing Loggers

03/03/2021   Leroy, Elora Moonshine, Sam Midson, Igor, Beadle Bygrub, and Eileen have been summoned to Port Domina to meet Roaka Deluthe and investigate a troubled trade route. Roaka tells our mighty adventurers how a pair of exploring loggers went missing in the woods and rumors of drums in the night. After negotiation over compensation the party accepts 2 health potions and 4 sun rods to go into the woods with the promise of more payment after the threat is revealed. Our heroes head to the lumber mill   The lumberjacks have been on strike since their friends went missing. They tell a story of exploring to find the missing duo and the frightening sounds of a massive drum in the dark woods and an ominous cackling. This frightens the crew and sends them fleeing from the woods. The story leaves Beadle with a sense that this noise is not originally from the forest   Journeying into the woods the group finds the logging camp and begins the investigation. They see that tools appear to have been stolen from the camp and that there are the prints of a massive wolf. Further investigation leads Leroy to discover that the prints are like that of a wolf but are rather that of two bipedal creatures. He also can tell that a few axes, hammers, and a breaker bar. Following the tracks out group starts to hear the deep rumble of giant drump, they find a clearing with a large fallen tree covered in an unnaturally thick moss upwards of 8” in places…. Very odd, very odd indeed. Concerned they start to sneak through clearing, they see the moss yawn, a massive moss yaw as if the moss was a lizard the size of a horse. Against all logic and reason Elora takes it upon herself to knock on the beast’s head and attempt to talk to it. In a completely expected turn of events the moss lizard attacks Elora and a second beast appears and engages the group. The beasts appear to be impervious to the attacks of our team, healing quickly from all attacks. That is until magic users of the group burn them, they begin to fall to the skilled attacks of our warrior companions. As the **2 giant moss lizard** melt into ooze our friends move forward   Moving on they come into another clearing containing a section of road. Leading into a camp surrounding a large hole. Our friends see the drum and two knolls with the tools piled nearby. Sneaking up on the knolls the party launches a sneak attack victoriously slaying the two. The mighty bard Sam takes up the drum to continue the beat ensuring the knolls down below are unaware of the ambush. Inspecting the surroundings they find the gnawed bones of the missing lumberjacks. In a stroke of wit Beadle sends the incredible Chucksby into the how to scout ahead. An elaborate plan is formed to lure a small number of knolls out with a change in drumming and push flaming tents upon them. Two of the villains emerge to their detriment as the group fall upon them. Slaying one while surprised the other flees back into the cave. The knoll returns with 3 others and a much larger pack lord. Beadle thinking quickly covers the attacking pack with bacon grease he had been saving for breakfast. Sam pushes a flaming tent on the packlord who had been forcing the four smaller knolls ahead with his whip. The following battle leaves the party standing among the corpses of **7 Gnolls and 1 Pack Lord**   With the gnolls eliminated the group heads into the cavern determined to discover the meaning of the pack’s efforts. The unfortunate Sam strays from the group only to be ambushed by a slime. Our friends rush to the aid of Sam. Igor dies. Then lives with the aid of a health potion from Elora. Barely escaping alive the mighty LeRoy slays the cube sparing the lives of Igor and Sam.   2200 cp, 1300 sp, 100 gp, Bloodstone (50 gp), Chalcedony (50 gp), Jasper (50 gp), Quartz (50 gp), 2 x Sardonyx (50 gp), Star rose quartz (50 gp), Zircon (50 gp), +1 Shield (uncommon, dmg 200), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (uncommon, dmg 171), Wand of Magic Missiles (uncommon, dmg 211)   Further in the cave the group discovers a meditating old man, The owner of the gnolls whom he was using to dig in search of high magic artifacts. The man attempts to hire the group to do the digging on account of his gnolls being dead. They attempt to deceive the old man into believing they are interested in the job but he sees through the deception. Saying he can’t let them get away to town and tell others what he is up to the man prepares to attack. Igor runs away and goes to bed, unaware of what happened to the rest of the group because he was asleep.

Pillaging of Advent

2/22/2021   Beadle, Tot (a rare and beautiful tortle), Igor, Eileen, and Ruby answer Grayson's call to investigate Dovan’s Ferry. They meet at an inn at Dovan’s Ferry and travel to Advent, a former mining town left abandoned after “unsavory” happenings in the mine. The king sent a contingent of guards to investigate, none returned and it is unknown why. In search of silver left behind they head to a local smelter where they are surprised to find skeletons. But not just any skeletons, spooky moving skeletons who moan in a non sexy way. The following fight leaves our heroes victorious surrounded by the scattered bones of four humans and one horse. Among which they find silver ingots worth a total of 20GP. The party then proceeds to search the smelting room where a calcite worth 5gp and an amethyst worth 30gp are found by Chucksby the lovable flying squirrel who lives in the beard of Beadle. Igor finds a quartz with 10gp.   After nightfall the party makes their way to the Advent tavern in search of spirits. Instead however they find a spirited battle. Killing 6 zombies even deader than they were before. Afterward they find 42sp and 30cp. 1week worth of rations, Rhodochrosite (11 gp). 2 dried rashers of meat, possibly the largest rashers you have ever seen. They are wrapped in a sheep bladder cloth which has been labelled "THUNDERER MEAT" in large, rough handwriting, 2 Lanterns, 1 flask of oil and, 10 bottles of whisky.   The party then moves on to ransack the abandoned mansions of town. Igor finds a pelt wrapped in a label “pelt sample No.27”. Eileen finds a Pink watermelon tourmaline worth 10gp. Ruby and Beadle take it upon themselves to search the chandelier and remove a portion worth 30gp. After some time liberating belongings from the dead rich the party hears a creepy sound emanating from an unexplored room. Grayson takes it upon himself to investigate, kicking open the door to find 3 more skeletons. Igor and ruby find a spell scroll of mending and a brown green garnet worth 110gp. Grayson and Beadle find an 8 bottle bandolier with empty corked bottles that smell of sulfur. Tort finds a flask wine. In the kitchen Eileen finds a bundle of weed. In the dining room Ruby finds 60gp while Beadle finds 12sp. In the coal chute Tort fins coal and sulfur. Suddenly Grayson is attacked by a spooky shadow. The brave and noble Beadle dispatched the shadow before it could harm Grayson. Our heroes had no time to rest before being confronted by specter. “THIS HOUSE SUCKS” proclaims Beadle. A look of subtle recognition forms on Grayson’s face as he looks into the face of the spirit before it is struck down by Ruby. 6 pouches of tobacco and 6 pouches of devils lettuce with their hookah are found in the room. Moving upstairs our brave pillager finds a room with the specter of a king's guard, Grayson speaks to the spector learning the fate of his fellow guardsmen. After the harrowing tale the party finds a chest containing a War fan weapon. Spell scroll of firebolt. Spell scroll of cure wounds. 180gp , A potion of minor healing.   Experience Each: 317


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