Null Zones

In a universe slowly succumbing to entropy and metaphysical decay, the Null Zones stand as enigmatic bastions of stability. These areas, scattered across Autumna, possess a unique property that sets them apart from the surrounding chaos: an inexplicable resistance to the reality-warping effects that plague the rest of the world.  

Nature of the Null Zones

  Null Zones are regions where the laws of physics remain constant and predictable, unaffected by the fluctuations and degradation occurring in the rest of Autumna. Within these areas:  
  • Magic behaves consistently, without the unpredictable surges or failures common elsewhere
  • Time flows at a steady rate, free from the temporal distortions that affect other regions
  • Matter and energy maintain their standard properties, resisting transmutation or decay
  • Mental influences, including those of the Qhuss and Canker, are significantly weakened or nullified entirely
  The size of Null Zones varies greatly, from areas as small as a single room to vast regions spanning several square kilometers. Their boundaries are typically sharp and well-defined, creating a stark contrast between the stable interior and the chaotic exterior.  

Origins and Theories

  While Null Zones appear to occur naturally, there is growing evidence suggesting they may be a legacy of The Hazrad Imperium. Several theories attempt to explain their existence:  

1. Hazradian Stabilisation Network

  Some scholars propose that the Null Zones are remnants of a vast network created by the Hazrad Imperium to stabilise reality across their domain. This network may have been designed to:  
  • Facilitate precise scientific experiments and technological development
  • Create safe havens for the storage of sensitive materials or dangerous artifacts
  • Serve as anchor points for larger reality-manipulation projects

2. Natural Immune Response

  Another theory suggests that Null Zones are a natural "immune response" of the universe itself, attempting to stabilise against the encroaching decay. This view sees the zones as spontaneously occurring phenomena, possibly influenced by localised concentrations of certain energies or materials.  

3. Dreamer's Strongholds

  A more esoteric interpretation posits that Null Zones are areas where IAE's dreaming mind maintains a stronger grip on reality, resisting the influence of Canker and other destabilising forces.  

Hazradian Artifacts and Evidence

  While the true origins of the Null Zones remain uncertain, several discoveries lend credence to the Hazradian connection:  
  • Ancient pylons found at the center of some Null Zones, bearing inscriptions in the Hazradian script
  • Trace amounts of exotic materials in the soil of Null Zones, matching those found in confirmed Hazradian ruins
  • Fragmentary records from the pre-Purge era mentioning "reality anchors" and "stability matrices"
The Null Zones may be our greatest inheritance from the Hazrad Imperium, and perhaps our last hope against the dying of the light. We must unlock their secrets before it's too late.
— Arch-Researcher Vex Tholos, Ochal Confederacy

Current Uses and Significance

  In the present day, Null Zones have become invaluable resources for the surviving civilisations of Autumna:  

Scientific Research

  The stable conditions within Null Zones make them ideal for conducting precise experiments and developing new technologies. Many of the Ochal Confederacy's most advanced research facilities are located within or near Null Zones.

Artifact Preservation

  The reality-stabilising properties of Null Zones help prevent the decay of ancient artifacts and texts. Museums and archives often establish vaults within these areas to safeguard their most precious collections.

Medical Treatment

  Some Null Zones have been converted into specialized medical facilities, particularly for treating conditions related to reality decay or metaphysical instability. The Stormborn, for instance, have established retreats within Null Zones to help those suffering from The Fading.

Military Applications

  The resistance to external mental influences makes Null Zones valuable for military planning and as strongholds against psychic attacks. The Ochal Confederacy has fortified several large Null Zones as strategic command centers.

Dangers and Limitations

  Despite their many benefits, Null Zones are not without risks:  
  • The sharp transition between stable and unstable areas can cause severe disorientation or physical harm to unprepared travelers
  • Some individuals experience withdrawal-like symptoms after prolonged stays in Null Zones, having become acclimated to the chaotic nature of the outside world
  • There are reports of Null Zones suddenly collapsing or shifting location, though such occurrences are rare

The Future of the Null Zones

  As the universe continues its slow descent into chaos, the importance of the Null Zones only grows. Efforts are underway to:  
  1. Map and catalog all known Null Zones across Autumna
  2. Develop methods to predict the formation of new Null Zones or the collapse of existing ones
  3. Uncover the secrets of Hazradian technology in hopes of creating artificial Null Zones or expanding existing ones
  The Null Zones stand as beacons of hope in a world beset by decay and instability. Whether they are a final gift from the long-lost Hazrad Imperium or a natural defense against entropy, these bastions of stability may hold the key to the survival of civilisation in Autumna's twilight hours.


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Aug 5, 2024 02:41

Very interesting article! The fact that Null Zones can randomly collapse is terrifying.