
Stuffed Bread

The name fyllbrød is a word from The Old Tongue, the language of the Nomads, and roughly translates as 'stuffed bread'. The bread is well-named, as it is essentially bread with a thin layer of filling rolled into a spiral.   The filling can be sweet or savoury depending on the need and what's available. Sweetened fillings, like thick jam or spiced fruits, are often used to create treats for children. Savoury fillings, like cheese, spinach, or thin slices of cured meats are far more common.  

Travel Food

The small flavoured rolls are popular with the Nomads when they're moving from one camp to another. The dough is prepped in the evening before travel and then the prepared rolls are usually cooked in the morning on the day of travel. They are shared out between caravans, wagons and horses and then eaten throughout the day.   The bread soaks up the juice of the filling, but the rolls are still easy to eat because the bread acts as a natural container. They reduce the need for a long stop in the middle of the day and can be eaten either individually as snacks or two together, which could be considered a small meal.  


Ingredients for dough
flour, thickened milk, oil
Ingredients for filling
jam or spinach or think sliced meat
Prep Time
30min + 12 hrs
Cook Time
Mix dough ingredients together until they form a dough. Leave overnight. Roll out the dough, place the chosen ingredient in a layer on top and then roll it up. Slice into balls and pierce with sticks. Hold them over the campfire until done.


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Aug 1, 2024 23:44 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I want to eat them. All of them. Sweet and savoury.

Aug 10, 2024 15:43 by Elspeth

Me too! :D

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