

Most of the Nomads follow the Gods of The Nomads, and they believe that runes, the written magic performed by Heks, comes from the scratches the gods left on the world.


Runes are one of the forms which magic in The Wilds takes. While most Heks' are able to channel magic into some basic Runes, a Heks whose magic comes from the power of their emotions or a Heks who requires a physical component are said to be able to craft the most powerful runes.  
Runes themselves are created by forming a symbol or several symbols, often into something that means they are indelible. They can take a lot of energy and time to form, and most Heks can only make one or two in a day.   They are used as charms or to imbue something with magic. For example, the rune loop is a loop of twine or string which carries a single rune pendant and is designed to be worn. They can also be used as markers within the forest, to hold and store spells and magic for later use or to empower an item.


There are many different runes, but the diagrams below demonstrate some of the most common ones. These have been broken up into three sections.  


It is also worth remembering that runes can be used together, so while these basic runes usually denote a single idea or object, when combined they can become more powerful and specific.  


Usually a camp but could be anywhere that a person feels at home.


Literally a tent or building of any type which provides shelter.


Any source of fire or light or heat, from a candle to a bonfire.


Anything which is manufactured which could be useful.


The sun and sunlight but also used to refer to daytime.


Usually a source of water like a river but could also be rain or similar.


Common runes may be slightly more complicated than the basic runes, because of the ideas or concepts they denote. They are more difficult to use because they are open to interpretation, so it is important a Heks knows what they are doing and uses them wisely.  


Anything to do with preparing food.


Anything to do with making something physical.


Preventing someone or something from doing or accessing something.


Placed on an individual or single item to keep them or it safe.


To protect or defend, or to sharpen depending on need.


To help a person perform well in battle.


To slow, sleep or kill depending on usage.


To hide or to change or to grow.


Complex runes are usually used alongside other runes because they represent more than one thing and often require some context or grounding runes to stabilise them.  


Linking two or more things, holding something in place, holding something together, connecting people.


Things that have come before, things that have not been noticed, allowing insight, collecting memories.


Birth, living, feeling, growing and caring.


Make immovable or impassable, or an obstacle, a great object.


To help a person make a difficult decision.


To warn or make something known


Runes can also be used to create curses and compile forceful negative energy against a person, object or place.   Curses are generally not things which are taught, instead they are something which comes instinctively from the Heks accessing the darker side of their magic. They can be born out of normal runes, but have complex knots embedded in them making them more difficult to undo.


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Aug 4, 2024 17:23 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I love all the rune examples you have and the symbolism associated with them!

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 10, 2024 16:13 by Elspeth

Thank you!

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