Stoneham Town


In the early years, the Townsfolks were part of the same tribe as the Nomads. Then Harald of The Protectors brought news of the Protector and together they left, eventually purging the forests of the North and building towns with churches and high walls to keep them safe from the terrible and unruly nature living beyond.   Stoneham was the first of The Towns. The church was the first building erected, in 2609, and the rest of the town was built around it. Since then it has been seen as the centre for the Religion of The Towns and is known as a refuge for those in need of spiritual guidance.
Large Town
Parent Location
The Towns
Founding Date



Stoneham Town is the second most northern of The Towns, built beneath the slopes of the Northern Crags. The north side of the town walls looks out onto cliffs and there are fields to the south and west. The east side of the town is protected by the rushing waters of the Guardian River.

Natural Resouces

Much of the town, including the walls, is built from the rocks of the Northern Crags and are recognisable for the grey stone. The fields are used for both arable and pastoral farming rotationally. The Guardian River provides a reliable source of freshwater, fish and power for the town.

Points of Interest

The Old Church

The oldest of the Towns churches, The Old Church is an important part of the religion of The Towns. People have been known to make pilgrimages from as far away as Cressund Town and Cosmouth Town.   The Old Church is not the largest, but it has the most ornate altar and a large stained-glass window depicting The Protector fighting off The Forces. It is the home of the current Protector's Cleric.

The Town Walls

Like the rest of the town, the town walls were built with stone from the Northern Crags. They were originally built to house enough fields to provide for the town, but as the settlement grew, the fields were forced beyond the protection of the walls.   The town walls have also grown in height over the years, with an increasing number of defences and towers in place to protect the people inside.


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Jul 7, 2024 12:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really love an old church. Stoneham sounds like a lovely town to go for a wander and see all the history.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 7, 2024 19:28 by Elspeth

Yeah a lot of history in Stoneham Town. <3

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