
In the Gangchag region of Singea, on the slopes of one of the lesser mountains surrounding Dvang, the Volcano of Power, sits an unnamed monastery, where a group of Delam monks watch over an ancient relic they call Daemonslayer.   Daemonslayer is not a part of standard Delam beliefs, and very few people--Delam practitioners included--have even heard of it. These particular monks, however, make it the entire purpose of their existence. They are to guard it until a prophesied time when someone know only as the "Sword-Bearer" will come to collect it. Until such time, they keep it safe within a magically protected glass case on display in the grand entry chamber of the monastery.   Daemonslayer itself is a massive greatsword. Despite being on open display, accounts of the sword's exact appearance are insonsistent. Some accounts say it has a bejewelled hilt and its blade shines as brightly as the sun. Others say it is relatively plain in appearance with nothing to set it apart from other run-of-the-mill swords (other than, perhaps, its size). However, a significant number of accounts (whether they describe the appearance as grand or plain) say that a close examination of the blade reveals faint runes in an unknown language carved into the steel.   The monks say Daemonslayer was forged in the First Era, before the Great War, at least twenty-five hundred years ago. Only the Abbot knows Daemonslayer's true purpose. Not even the higher-ranking monks know (though it's likely many have had theories which might or might not have turned out to be true). The Abbot will only reveal the secret to their successor, the Sword-Bearer, or another prophesied individual known as the "Will-Breaker".   No one knows who the Sword-Bearer will be, but the monks have a series of tests to determine whether a prospective candidate is the true Sword-Bearer. These test consist of ten rituals the prospective candidate must undergo: Knowledge, Creation, Substance, Power, Life, Age, Shape, Hearing, Vision, and Mind. Over the centuries, the monks have performed these rituals on only a handful of people, none of whom have ever passed all ten, and so the monks continue to wait, confidant that, one day, the Sword-Bearer will come.   Daemonslayer is said to have great power, but the monks are not forthcoming on what those are. Many who have visited the monastery claim to have learned the sword's powers in the library there, which they claim has extensive documentation of the sword's abilities. However, the monks swore them all to secrecy. Of course, some people have broken that vow, but no two accounts of Daemonslayer's abilities have ever been the same.   There are some who do not believe the sword the monks watch over is the real Daemonslayer. Over the years, even some monks have doubted it. However, there is a series of ten rituals (with the same names as the rituals to determine the Sword-Bearer) to determine the sword's authenticity. They perform these rituals regularly, every month to ensure their security has not been breached and the sword has not been replaced by a copy.   It is said that when Daemonslayer was first forged, ten near-perfect copies were also made as decoys. Each of these copies is so close to the original that it will pass nine of the ten test of authenticity. Each copy will fail a different test.   To date, the sword held at the monastery has never failed a single test, and the monks remain confident it is the real Daemonslayer.   Many visitors to the monastery point out that if Dvang ever erupts, the monastery would surely be destroyed. The monks say, if that is the will of the gods, then so be it. Daemonslayer will survive, and that is all that matters.
- abstract depiction of Daemonslayer
(open source image)

Cover image: by Geralt


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