Dusk Supreme

When people first hear the title "Dusk Supreme", they often find it weird, silly and laughable even. It doesn't carry the weight of a word like king, emperor, or patriarch, and so isn't worth taking seriously. However, Servants of Sunset take the title very seriously, and so does anyone who has ever encountered a Dusk Supreme.   The Dusk Supreme is the supreme leader of the Servants worldwide. The name comes from the fact that Night is the Lord of Darkness, and the closest a mortal can get to that is dusk, the moment before the full darkness of night.   Many people believe the Dusk Supreme was just a single individual of great power who died in 2284 at the end of Queen Felitïa's campaign to wipe out the Darkness Worshippers, and they are unaware that it is a title that can be passed on. While that Dusk Supreme did indeed die, the Servants of Sunset as an organisation survived (merely driven into hiding) and there have been Dusk Supremes since.

Becoming Dusk Supreme

  Whenever a Dusk Supreme dies (often due to assassination by their own subordinates), there is fierce competition for the position. Indeed, this competition usually starts before the position even opens up, and usually involves a lot of plotting and assassination. Whoever is able to secure the position by force then goes through a top secret ceremony to imbue them with Night's blessing and power.   However, this doesn't necessarily secure them the position. No matter how much power and influence someone has over the Servants, if Night himself doesn't approve, the candidate will not survive the ceremony. The manner of death varies, but it is always extremely painful and drawn out.   But if Night does approve, then the new Dusk Supreme is annointed and granted power from Night. The form this power takes varies greatly from one Dusk Supreme to another, and no two Dusk Supremes are ever exactly the same.   Once in the position, the new Dusk Supreme is free to run the Servants however they like. Some Dusk Supremes will carry on in a similar style to their predecessor, while others will completely restructure the servants, creating new positions and titles and dismissing the people who held the old ones. The Dusk Supreme's word is law (just so long as they can avoid assassination).

The Current Dusk Supreme

  Very little is know about the current Dusk Supreme, his powers, or how long he has held the position (though it cannot be longer than the 48 years since the end of Queen Felitïa's campaign). It is rumoured that he is even more powerful than the one who died at the end of Queen Felitïa's campaign. Rumour also says that his immense power has wasted away his body, and he cannot have much longer left to live. If he dies of natural causes, that might well be a first for the Servants.   However, within the Servants themselves, there are stories of a prophecy that says this Dusk Supreme will die in battle with an Isyar. There are even those who say they know who the particular Isyar is. But these are likely nothing more than stories. No one seriously believes in prophecy these days.
Unknown, hundreds or possibly thousands of years ago
Form of Address
Whatever the current Dusk Supreme wants
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Geralt


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Aug 16, 2024 23:22 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and intense!   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 17, 2024 04:08 by Michael Ray Johnson

So glad you like it! And it would be awesome if you featured it. I will check out your Twitch schedule and will definitely drop by sometime soon. Thanks so much!