Servants of Sunset

More commonly known as Darkness Worshippers or just Darkers, the Servants of Sunset is an organisation dedicated to the worship or Night, the Lord of Darkness. They operate primarily in secret, as their existence is outlawed across Arnor and most other places around the world. They are led by an individual known as the Dusk Supreme.   Servants frequently infiltrate other organisations, attempting to get their members into positions of authority. They use these positions to create factions within the organisation to further various goals or simply undermine the organisation's power or reputation. These organisations are generally political or religious in nature, but can also be military or just about anything else.


Darkness Worshippers have existed in some form for pretty much the entirety of world history. However, it is hard to say when the Servants of Sunset as they call themselves today came into existence as a formal organisation. Every Dusk Supreme runs it differently, sometimes completely reorganising its structure, and sometimes even destroying all records of the previous regimes or rewriting them. As such, the organisation does not have reliable records of its own history.   About the only reliably known information is that during the 2260s and 70s, the Servants started to become more overt. The Dusk Supreme of the time felt the Servants deserved to rule and started to take steps to achieve this. This prompted Queen Felitïa to launch a military campaign against the organisation which ran from 2279 to 2284. She recruited wizards from across Arnor to aid the army. In the end, the Dusk Supreme was cornered and killed in a battle that left dozens of wizards and countless soldiers dead.   After that, the Servants went back into hiding, and the Dusk Supreme since (whether it has been one or multiple people holding the title is unknown) has focused on rebuilding and on more covert activities, in particular infiltration of the nobility and powerful organisations.


The Servants have very few prescribed methods of worship. Different Dusk Supremes will require different rituals, and individual members will have their own methods of worship. In fact, many do not worship at all.   It is a sad fact that many Servants do not join the organisation by choice. Many are born into it and forced to become a member by one or both parents. Others were orphans kidnapped off the streets and forced to join. Such people only worship out of fear of what their superiors might do to them if they don't. Some fear reprisal from Night himself.   There are some rituals that Servants can undergo to gain special powers. Little is known about these rituals other than every one is different and they always require some kind of sacrifice. It is believed most Dusk Supremes have undergone several such rituals before acquiring the position.


Although the Dusk Supreme theoretically has supreme power over the organisation, this rarely translates into perfect control. Every Dusk Supreme has enemies, and given the fact the organisation is spread out around the world, it is not surprsiing that many factions and sects exist within the organisation. These sects can vary drastically in their goals and methods of operation.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Servant, Darkness Worshipper, Darker
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

Articles under Servants of Sunset

Cover image: by Geralt


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