The Bouquet


The Bouquet is a large swath of land south of the Mystic Mountains range and north of the The Sacred Swampland. It is broken into four regions: The Orchards, The Riverlands, The Hills, and The Meadows. It is an idyllic place with verdant green lands, vibrant blue skies, and an abundance technicolor plants. Wildlife is prolific here, from insects like the blue bumblebee and giant dragonflies, to more magical mammals like unicorns and griffins. The climate here is temperate and the weather here ranges all four seasons, with mild winters and summers.   For details on the environment and housing of each region, visit their individual pages.

Population & Culture

The peoples of the Bouquet range widely. For details on the population and culture of each area, visit their individual pages.

History & Politics of the Region

  During the Era of Dragons, the Bouquet was settled by nine clans who peacefully coexisted. These included:
  • The Fiddlesticks (erinas), Popplebottoms (gnomes), and Dazzleberrys (gnomes) managed the Riverlands.
  • The Fairycakes (pixies), Butterbees (pixies), and Shimmerbugs (mushroom folk) managed the Hills.
  • The Dewdrops (Botanikans), Runnybabbits (harengon), and Pitterpatters (Variant Humans) managed the Meadows.
  After The Awakening, the River Serenity dried up west of the Twilight Woods and was rerouted through the newly formed God's Bed Canyon. Without water, the people of the Illustrious Orchards watched their home wither around them and the Wishbones (tieflings), Bumblebrights (tieflings), and Merriweathers (dryads) were relocated south of the mountains into Riverland territory. Conflict broke out between the Riverlanders and New Orchard residents and after 50 years of increasing tension, a war broke out. The Zephyr Guardians brokered a tentative peace and established the Bouquet Federation, governed by the Council of Clans to maintain peace. In recent years, a militia group called the Riverland Raiders has been coordinating attacks on Orchards borderlands and annexing the land. Tensions are high at the beginning of our campaign.

Tea & Trade

See each region page for details on tea and trade. In general, the Hills manage animal husbandry, the Meadows manage grow magical plants for potions-making, and the Riverlands and Orchards are the primary producers of agricultural food products on the continent.

Key PlacesĀ 

  • List capitol cities of each place


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