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Aigneis Collins

General information

Name: Aigneis Collins
Gender: She/Her
Age: 52 years
Ancestry: Triton
Ethnicity: Free People of the Broken Coast
Subculture: Sheltered
Role: High Bishop of the Temple of Penelope in the City of Seala


Eye colour: Purple
Skin Tone: Deep Blue
Hair Style: Overlapping, transparent fins neatly flattened and bound.
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Clothing: Pure white temple robes, embroidered with gold. The symbol of Penelope on her heart and back: Silver Shining Star.


Social stratum: Upper Class
Personal relations:
Religion: Church of the Silver Flame. Worships Penelope, the Fateweaver
Languages: Common, Freespeak, High alvian, Jotun, Aquan.


Personal Traits

  • Kind and Benevolent.
  • Grandmotherly aura
  • Childlike exitement.

Cultural Traits

  • Freedom!: Freedom is a basic right, that every living creature requires to prosper.
  • Money is Power: Political power is derived from how much capital you posess, and not from anything else.
  • Love of Sea and Storm Although dangerous, the life on the sea is beautiful and rewarding.

Ancestral Traits

  • Help those who are in need.
  • Do not understand Landwalkers.
  • Have to live close to open water.


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