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Azathoth, the Dark Truth

Divine Shabbith-Ka


Dark Truth
Forbidden Thought
Blind and All-seeing

Divine Aspects

Madness and Insanity
Truth and Falsehood

Tenents of Faith

Uncover the truth under mortal filth
To go mad is to shield one's self from the horrors of reality
Truth cannot be explained, only experienced


The Disparing
The Insane

Divine Domains

Divine Symbol

Reflected eyes in broken glass


Skill proficiency: Any Skill
Damage Type: Force

Extended lore

The Dark Truth is one of the universe's Primordial Deities. Azathoth sprung forth from the endless potential of Chaos at the first moment truth became a concept in the thoughts of the gods. The god of truth and falsehood is as old as the universe itself. They are a jealous god who sees the order others create as an afront to the ulitmate truth of the universe, that order is fragile and the natural state of the universe is chaos. Like many of the other Primoridial Dieties, Azathoth's part is greater scheme of things remains a mystery.   In the most ancient writings Azathoth is depicted as the god of the insane and those who've succumbed to madness. Their blessing to mortals is true sight, which is said to uncover the truth under the mortal filth. A truth that is often too much for a person's mind to handle. In this aspect, Azathoth represents fallacies and false truths, particularly those perpetuated by mortalkind about itself. The Dark Truth takes great pleasure in showing mortals these fears.  


Azathoth has many servants, infinitely variable in form, sapience and power. Each is a tiny fraction of Azathoth's infinite power with a will of their own, but all share their master's contempt for those who create order. These servants of the Dark Truth are more capable of interacting with other planes of existance, since unlike their master most do not unravel the universe with their mere existance. This makes them capable of infiltrating the worlds of mortals, and set up foothold from where to spead the Dark Truth.
Divine Classification


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