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Outsider Gods

The Outsider Gods is a loose collective of gods that came from beyond the Astral Sea to the World. Each of these Gods originated on a different plane in a different universe, and has somehow found their way onto the World. Some of these gods were brougth along when their followers first emigrated to the World, and others reached these shore by more clandestine means. The gods are not affiliated with each other, exept by that none of them originated on the World.


Gods require an anchor to give them power in a universe. These anchors can be the prayer of their followers, or nefarious activities of their cults. Some gods are able to anchor themselves by the oath of another god. Anchoring a gods power does not move their Source to the World, as it remains on the plane where the god is most influential, but it does allow that god to exert their power more easily.


Babylon, Lord of the Nine Hells

God of Tyrany and Oaths. Ruler of the nine hells where devils originate from.

Shabbith-Ka, The Dark Truth

God of Madness and Truth. Wispers mad ravings in the ears of his followers, containing pearls of terrible knowledge.

The Wandering Monk

Deity in the form of a human, walking the World and teaching mindfullness, an abbandonment of material ties and creating ties to the spirits.

Rán, the Mother of Storms

Goddess of the Storming Sea. Her actions have shaped the continent of Rhodania.

Kára, Lady of Stars

Goddess of the Sky and Stars. Goddess of strangers in a foreign land.


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