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Gnomes, or the Forgotten Folk as they were sometimes known, were small humanoids known for their eccentric sense of humor, inquisitiveness, and engineering prowess.

Physical Traits

Anatomy and Morphology

Gnomes were very small compared to most other races and, with an average height ranging between 3′0″‒4′0″ (0.91‒1.2 m) and a weight range of 40‒45 lb (18‒20 kg). While halflings were commonly said to resemble short humans, gnomes were more comparable with elves, with whom they shared pointed ears and high cheekbones, or even dwarves, due to their tendency to grow beards and live underground. Many gnomes had a more feral appearance than either, however, with hair that often sprouted from their heads in odd directions.
The skin of gnomes ran in hue from reddish tans to earthy browns or even shades of gray, with exact hue somewhat dependent upon the ethnic origin of a gnome. Similarly, gnomish hair varied wildly in color from blond and brown to more exotic colors like white, orange, or even green. Gnomish eyes were often—particularly in individuals who were native to the Feywild—glittering black or blue,

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnomes give birth to live young. Gnomes mature at the same rate Humans do, and most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years.


Gnomes prefer to live in busy settlements as their minds feed of the emotions of those around them.


Gnomes are herbivorous, and eat mostly vegetables and nuts.

Sapient Traits


Gnomes were created by Isha, the Lifegiver during the age of Creation. Isha made her children close to the spirits of the World, and intended the gnomes to be a bridge between the spirits of the Feywylde and the mortal realms. For this purpose she made the Gnomish language with Truthspeak, so that there could be no deception bewteen her children. Even though their roles as ambasadors is no longer required in the same degree, the spirits still remember the Gnomes as trustworthy speakers. Even to this day, Gnomes and their language are often used as abitrators by other peoples. Their ties to the spirit world have had adverse effects on the bodies of the Gnomish peoples. During the Age of the Silver Kingdoms, the Gnomes had their bond with the spirits broken by Titania, the Fairy Queen for the betrail of their most sacred oath. This act caused a mortal wound on the souls of the Gnomes, resulting the the Curse of Bleaching.


Gnomes were naturally witty and jovial, and they preferred to overcome obstacles through cunning and innovation rather than the obvious way. Ever curious, gnomes were drawn to adventure more often by a desire to see the world than out of greed or the hope of fame. It was this curiosity, along with their cunning and witty repartee, that made gnomes both entertaining friends and adept arcane spellcasters or scholars.   Gnomes suffer from a peculiar affliction called the Bleaching. It only serves to fuel their racial curiosity and whimsy. In essence the Bleaching is a sort of unnatural aging. While gnomes can naturally live for hundreds of years, they now require regular wondrous or vivid experiences to sustain themselves otherwise they begin to fade, their entire body losing all its color. The condition is eventually fatal.
The Bleaching manifests itself as a blanching of skin, hair, and eye color during early adulthood. From there on, the complexion of the gnomish body is tied to the experiences she alights upon. The more shocking and vivid a gnome’s life, the more vivid she herself becomes and the longer she lives. In contrast, a lack of excitement causes a fading of color and is accompanied by depression and the dulling of curiosity, heralding the beginning of a vicious spiral that leads to insanity and death. Due to the effects of the Bleaching, a gnome’s age is not tied to the passing of time. Instead, every year a gnome lives without experiencing new wonders takes a toll on her physiology, causing her to age noticeably. Gnomes that have bleaced to far often rely on the help of fey spirits to support their ailing minds.

Ways of Thinking

Gnomes are curous being, always in search for wonder. They have the following mental traits:
  • Persistent Curiosity
  • Money is irrelivent, only experiences matter.
  • It is better to live an exiting life than waste away doing nothing.

Naming Conventions

Dependent on culture. Gnomish names often use words that other people have never heard of, since their vocabulary is so large.

Beauty/Gender Ideals

Gnomes apear old at relatively yougn ages, and therefore prefer a more refined look, rather than showy.

Relationship Ideals

Gnomes have a close family structures, and rely heavily on those aroung them to support their endavours. However, they often leave their families for extended peroids of time to go on travels and adventures.

Ancestry Traits

25 ft. walking
60 ft.
Ancestral Language
Gnome Cunning
You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
When a gnome speaks Gnomish, they are unable to outright lie, and if a promise they say turns out to be untrue, the gnomes who hear it will instinctively know that it is so, even after the fact.
Speak with Beasts
You may cast Speak with Animals and Animal Friendship at will without spending a Spell Slot

Forest Gnome

Natural Illusionist
You know the Minor Illusion cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for it.

Rock Gnome

See Players Handbook.


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