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Isha, the Lifegiver

Divine Isha (a.k.a. Lifegiver)


Blooming Radiance
Roots that Reap
Mother of Monsters


Life and Death
Nature and Ballance
Wylderness and Monsters

Worshipped by:


Divine Domains

Divine Symbol

Flowering tree and roots


Skill Proficiency: Nature
Damage Type: Radiant


Isha, the Lifegiver is the Neutral allignment of the The Trinity of Creation, She represents the cycle of life on Dunia, with it's constant birth, death, and rebirth into something stronger. She is the patron goddess of nature, Wylderness and monsters. As a Primordial Deity, Isha exists as a concept. Her power makes up every living being in the universe, and is fundamental to the existance of Dunia.   The Aspect of Isha is life and nature. Isha embodies both the nurturing, and providing side of nature, as well as it's ruthless, harsh, and merciless side. Isha does not codle those who cannot take care of themselves, but equally loves all her creations, and wants them to succeed and thrive. This duality in her personality is represents the fickleness of nature, where good tidings can suddenly become harsh and unyielding.  


Isha considers all living creatures on Dunia her children, as it was her power by which they were made. However, Isha also has supernatural progeny that were born from her power. These spirits, also called Fey, are her truest children, and some of them are powerful enough that they can be considered gods in their own right. These deities are collectively known as the Great Spirits.  


Her avatar is the Worldtree, located above her Source deep in the Feywyldes of Nawhen. All creatures that live and die on Dunia are part of her cycle. The divine essence of every living thing rains down unto the world from the leaves of the Worldtree, and blesses the material plane with fertility and life. All those who die are returned to the earth, where upon their essense is absorbed by the roots of the Worldtree and brought to Isha's divine Source. The part of their soul that belongs to Isha is then yielded to her Source, carrying with it all of the experiences of the soul. Isha will reshape and remold this soul made from her own power, and send it to the leaves of the Worldtree, so that it may rain down onto Dunia again.  

Mother of Monsters

Isha's wrath is felt most strongly in her aspect as the Mother of Monsters. When nature is pulled out of balance or the spirits are angered, the land conjures forth horrible monsters filled with malice. These creatures are not part of the ecosystem, but are instead a physical manifestation of a god's pain and wrath. Monsters are all agressive, killing most anything that they can find. They cannot be tamed or reasoned with. They hunt not for sustenance, but to attempt to satiate their endless craving for violence and death. Most mosters are killed by hunters or the local wildlife, but not before doing unspeakable damage to anything they come into contact with. If not killed they will eventually dissipate by themselves, returning to the muck from which they came.
Divine Classification


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