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High Bishop Theodore

General information

Name: Theodore Ó Bruadair
Gender: He/Him
Age: Middle aged, 47 years
Ancestry: Human
Ethnicity: Free People of the Broken Coast
Role: High Biship of the Temple of Loec in the Church of the Silver Flame  


Eye colour: Blue
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair Style: Brown and Greying
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Clothing: Rich white robes embroidered with golden en silver thread, wield a golden septer with the scales and crown of Loec.  


Social stratum: Upper Class
Organisations: Church of the Silver Flame Personal relations: Lady Muirne
Religion: Church of the Silver Flame, Loec, the Sovereign
Languages: Common, Freespeak, Celestial.  


Personal Traits

  • Traitor to the Free Cities
  • True believer in Loec
  • Dismisive of commoners

Cultural Traits

  • Every living creature requires freedom to prosper.
  • Political power is derived from how much capital you posess.
  • Although dangerous, the life on the Storming Sea is beautiful and rewarding.

Ancestral Traits

  • Ambitious spirit
  • Build a Legacy
  • Travelers


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