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Trinity of Creation

The Trinity of Creation are the three Gods that came from the Celestial Realm and came toghether to create the World, the land, the plants and animals, and it's first people. Each god in the Trinity represents one aspect of the spectrum of Law and Chaos. Toutorix, the Allfather is a god of Law, and represents masculinity and order. Isha, the Lifegiver is a Neutral god of nature, and represents femininity and growth. Chaos, the Fermament is a god of Chaos and energy, and represents non-binary gender and unpredictibility.


Before the creation of the World there was only the primordial Chaos. From them were born Toutorix and Isha, who wished to create a world in their immage that could be their legacy. Toutorix and Isha loved each other greatly, but could not create the world they wanted. Their creations grew and developed, but in a predictable way that left the gods unsatisfied. Isha realized that their Allignments were too oriented toward Law for their world to grow in upredictable ways as she wanted. And so the two gods beseeched their parent, the Primordial Chaos themselves, to help them create the perfect world. Chaos was moved by their wish, and used a splinter of their infinite power to help their two children. And so the Trinity was formed, and created the world together.  

Creation of the world

First Chaos created the fermament, Toutorix created the land and seas, and Isha created the plants and animals. Toutorix and Isha worked toghether to create the laws of nature, when Toutorix bound the natural processes of life into strict rules that every being must adhere to. Chaos and Toutorix created the sun and moon together, with Toutorix capturing the unbridaled energy of Chaos and making it predictable, so that it could feed their new World. Lastly Isha and Chaos gave life contiousness, by taking what Isha had created and giving it the power to choose, and determine its own fate. As their crowning achievement, each god created their own species of sapient people, who would rule their newly created World together. Toutorix created the steadfast Dwarves. Isha created the immortal Gnomes. Chaos created the ethereal Elves. Now that their World was complete Isha and Toutorix began to watch over their children, while Chaos retreated back into the Astral Sea when their work was completed.  


This myth is spread across the world, with most cultures having their own version of how the world was created that was based on the original. Each story has a trinity of gods creating the world toghether, though the roles each god takes in the story differs depending on the culture telling it.  

Cultural reception

The origin story of the world is of little consequence to the people living in it. Most of the gods in it are either dead or lost. The story is hystorically significant for religious castes, but the current panteons of gods are far more important in the daily lives of people. There are few people alive who remember this story, but it forms the basis of many cultures and religions.


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