BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


General information

Name: Killian
Gender: He/Him
Age: 26 years, a young man
Ancestry: Human
Ethnicity: Free People of the Broken Coast
Role: Priest in the Temple of Loec


Eye colour: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Dark tone
Hair Style: Shaved head
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Clothing: Gray robes of the Church, little material posessions.


Social stratum: Working Class
Personal relations: Bevin
Family: Aogh, Cian,
Religion: Church of the Silver Flame, worships Loec, the High Monarch
Languages: Freespeak, Common


Personal Traits

  • Brave
  • Bad with violence
  • Loyal to the Church

Cultural Traits

  • Freedom!: Freedom is a basic right, that every living creature requires to prosper.
  • Money is Power: Political power is derived from how much capital you posess, and not from anything else.
  • Love of Sea and Storm Although dangerous, the life on the sea is beautiful and rewarding.

Ancestral Traits

  • Ambitious spirit: strive to excel in what you do.
  • Legacy: your life may be sort, but your legacy will be remembered.
  • Travelers: the world is a beautiful place to be explored.


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