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Kostus Tribes

The Kostus Tribes are Wyldefolk that live in the Heartlands and Stormlands of Rhudania. They make their homes in the deep in the dark forests of the Heartlands and prefer to stay away from the Tamed villages, towns, and cities of the Klassenberg Reich and the Stormlords. Traditionally, the tribes have been in constant conflict with each, but these traditions have recently been set asside to fight a common enemy.

Four Pillars

What dangers do they face?

The Dooming March of Progress

The Klassenberg Reich has greatly expanded its infrastructure over the past centuries. The building of cities and roads, and clearing of forests for farmland has encroatched on the teritories of the Kostus Tribes. They have fought for their ways of life tooth and nail, but have been slowly pushed further back into the deep forests. Now the Reik has all but driven the Tribes out of its borders, asside from the occational raiding party. The Tribes consider the Klassenberg Reik as their sworn enemies, and have vowed to bring their expansion to a halt.  

Monsters in the dark

The dark forests of the Heartlands and Stormlands are teeming with dangerous monsters due to the confluence of the Stormwinds and Isha's wrath. These forests are filled with monstrosities. Heartlanders used to only venture into these lands to test their strength, but the expansion of the Klassenberg Reik has pushed them further into these dark and dangerous lands. Survival is now a constant battle that the Tribes are loosing slowley but surely.  

What fortunes do they have?

The Ways of the Strong

Kostus Tribes live lives of constant danger, with their homes stalked by monsters and their lands invaded by the Reik. Their culture is well suited to such hardships, as the Kostus Ways promote strength, and honour. Death and danger are constant, but the Kostus forge themselves stronger in such a crucible. Honour to the fallen, strength to the victor, and no mercy for the enemy.  

Enemy of our Enemy

For generations, the Kostus Tribes have been in conflict with the Tamedfolk of the Heartlands and Stormlands. Raids for resources were not uncommon. A great deel of animosity has built up between these groups, but this dynamic has shifted with the Klassenberg invasion of the Stormlands. The Tribes and the Stormlords have now mostly buried their old feuds, and have vowed that they will work together to drive back the Reich into their own borders. The Tribes are mercilesly harassing the suplylines of the Imperial Army, while giving Stormlander soldiers safe passing through their lands.  

What products do they make?

The Tribes produce little in the way of products, other than what they themselves require to survive. Some tribes trade with Tamedfolk for pelts and other monster materials gathered during hunts.  

What are their hopes for the future?

Peace of the old days

In the times before the Klassenberg expansion, the Tribes were able to live better lives where they had the room to live and share the natural wealth of the Heartlands. More than anything, they wish to return to this peace, where fewer of them will die to the harshness of the world.  

Sacrifices to the Lord of the Hunt

The Kostas Tribes are loyal folowers of Taranis, Lord of the Hunt. The constant battle for survival they have had to fight has only strenghtened their faith in the god of violence. Even though life is hard, prey is waiting around every corner, and the Lord will surely reward them with strength for their devotion.


Each of the Kostas tribes consists mostly of a single ancestry. The exceptions are goblinoid Tribes who often co-habitate toghether, and Orcish Tribes whos ancestral ways traditionally include more mixing of bloodlines.


The Kostus Tribes follow a set of cultural traditions and religious practices called the Kostus Ways. This tradition puts emphasis on personal strength, accountability and honour.

Religious Tenets

  • Seek worthy opponents. Prove yourself strong enough to earn respect.
  • Submit when you are defeated. There is honour in recognising one's limits
  • Show no mercy to those that are weak.

Cultural traits

Traits that characters from this culture have that set them apart from others.
  • Follow the Ways: The Kostus Ways are the central pilar that Kostus culture is built around.
  • Isolationist: Most Tribes are inwardly focussed and see anyone other than themselves as opponents.
  • Rather unseen then seen: To survive, one must never allow others to get the drop on them. Keep out of sight, and be aware of what is around you. Never be on the recieving end of an ambush.


Origins - Kostus Tribes


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