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Melite, the Whisperer (Mee-lii-tee)

Divine Melite


God of Secrets

Divine Aspects

Diplomacy and Espionage
Thievery and Secrets
Beauty and Art

Tenents of Faith

Tell others only what they need to know, and nothing more
Knowledge is power
Have high standards of beauty



Divine Domains

Divine Symbol

A crystal mask


Skill Proficiency: Deception
Damage Type: Psychic


Paladins of Melite are sworn to guard the secrets of society. They value beauty and art, and will protect these things to the best of their abilities.

Extended lore

Melite, the Wisperer is the god of Beauty, Secrets, and Diplomacy. They are the patron god of diplomats, spies, politicians, thieves and chaletans. Melite is one of Toutorix's Chosen, ascended to godhood after the First Incursion. Since then they have watched over those who work outside of the public eye to support others, and to benefit themselves. They were offered godhood on behalf of their cunning and subtle charisma.   Melite's mortal identity is no longer known. They were a beautiful and charming person who could unite people with their words, and manipulate them with their lies. It is no longer known who Melite was, or even what ancestry or gender they had. As a God, Melite's avatars are always percieved in such a way to reflect what the perciever finds most beautiful. In this way, they represent the very concept of aesthetic beauty.   The Aspect of Melite is diplomacy and skullduggery. They are worshiped by those who work in the shadows to reach their goals. Their folowers whisper secrets in the dark, and ensure that others only know what they need to know. Melite is worshiped by thieves who pray for her guidence in their illicit activities.   Melite is worshiped for their legendary beauty. Artists, performers and craftsmen who focus on the astetics of their craft, rather than its functionality offer prayers to Melite for inspiration. Depictions of Melite often depict and represent the highest beauty standard of that specific culture. Since many cultures and people have diffenrent standards of beauty, no group can agree on Melite's true appearance. They are sometimes depicted in an androgynous form, representing both male and female beauty standards, but can also be depicted as multiple distinct forms to represent gendered beauty standards.
Divine Classification


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