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Allfather's Chosen

The Heirs of Toutorix were mortal being who took up the power the Toutorix, the Allfather after he died. These people were the best and brightest among their people and honoured his request to rule the World and the Tamedfolk in his stead.


The First Incursion

At the end of the Golden age of the World a foreign god assaulted the World and tried to conquer it for themselves. During the heavenly war that followed, the peoples of Dunia fought against the minions of this foreign god. The war was lead by exemplary figures that proved their tallents during the war. These people were refered to as the Allfather's Chosen and revered by their people. During the final days of the war Toutorix was able to morally wound his enemy and drive him back beyond the Celestial Realm. This mortally wounded him, and in his final years he taught his Chosen all they needed to know to inherrit his power. His last act was to transfer his Source to his Chosen as he died, so that they might rule over the World in his stead.


The Thrones of Elysium

After the death of the Allfather, the Chosen inherited his power and seated themselves uppon eight thrones around the Pristine Source at the summit of Mount Elysium. From their Thrones they can access the Source of the Allfather and guide his power onto Dunia. In doing so, they pass on the divine spirit of the Allfather onto mortalkind, empowering them to make their own choices.


The Chosen are worshipped in all of the Tamed lands. Each culture puts emphasis on different Chosen and has different rites and rituals, but the core of what each of the Chosen represents in their culture remains true. The Chosen are not widely worshiped in the Wylderness, as they represent different aspects of civilization and society, which are often less culturally significant for the Wyldefolk tribes than the more fundamental aspects of Isha, the Lifegiver and the Great Spirits.


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