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Origins - Free People of the Broken Coast

A character that grew up among the Free People of the Broken Coast gains the following mechanical traits from their Origin.

Free People

Ingenuity and adaptability are highly valued by the Free People. You need to be able to harness the bounties of the Stormwinds to survive and thrive on the Broken Coast.
+1 Intelligence
Cultural Language: Freespeak

Stormwind Sailor

You have sailed on ships since you were old enough to walk. Merchant vessles, warships, trading barges, you have served on them all. The Storming Sea holds no secrets for you. The Stormwinds terrify and inspire you. The life of a sailor is hard, and those who master it are all the stronger for it.
Social Stratum
Working Class
Tool Proficiency
Maritime Vehicles, Cartographer's tools, Cooking Utensils.
Skill Proficiency
While aboard any vessel (including seafaring and airships), you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and a +1 bonus on attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws. In addition, you have advantage on any ability check or saving throw against loosing your footing, or being knocked prone
Starting Equipment
Cartographer's tools, Coocking Utensils
Starting Funds
One Silver Coin

Leviathan Hunter

The great beasts of the Storming Sea must be hunted to protect the homes of the Free People, and to harvest their Soulstones for the prosperity of the Cities. Your crew sailed the Storming Sea on reinforced hunting vessels to harpoon the beasts and slay them for gold and glory. Dangerous and draining work, but it must be done.
Social Stratum
Working Class
Tool Proficiency
Cartographer's tools
Weapon Proficiency
Martial weapons, Sparklock weaponry
Skill Proficiency
Nature, Athletics
You know how to get the most out of your prey and know what parts you can use and how to collect them (meat, hides, Soulstones, carapace, horns, claws, teeth, venom, special components, and so on). You collect extra materials and ingredients from the creatures you slay.
Starting Funds
One Silver Coin


You were an alchemist and engineer, who worked for the Gunnery Guild in producing the revolutionary Sparklock weapons. These have the potential to change warfare forever, and few people have access to them. You have both the training to use these weapons and the connections required maintain them. Your extensive knowledge on alchemy and balistics can be used to produce special ammunition that puts the destructive power of a spellcaster in the hands of mundane folk.
Social Stratum
Middle Class
Weapon Proficiency
Sparklock weaponry
Skill Proficiency
Tool Proficiency
Tinker's tools, Alchemist's tools
Starting Equipment
Choose one: Sparklock pistol or Sparklock rifle. Tinker's tools, Alchemist's tools.
Starting Funds
One Bag of Silver


You have spent you time in the artefabrian workshops crafting magical contraptions, reigniting the wondrous Age of Magic. The Soulstones harvested from the Storming sea are transformed into tools that give mundane people the power of the Arcane at their beckon call. You have extensive experience with magical technology, and know how to produce wondrous items.
Social Stratum
Middle Class
Tool Proficiency
Jeweler's tools
Skill Proficiency
Personal Fabrial
You have a fabrial of your own design. Choose one 1st-level spell from the Artificer spell list. Your fabiral can cast this spell once per long rest using Inteligence as its spellcasting ability, and functions as as spellcasting focus for Arteficers.
Arcane Engineer
You are an expert in designing fabirals. This expertese is translated into more efficient designs and greater inspiration. You can halve the crafting cost for any magic item crafted with Jewler's tools, and you can ignore the material requirements for magic items crafted with Soulstones.
Starting Equipment
Jeweler's Tools
Starting Funds
One Bag of Silver


A higher-up in the offices of the Free City Merchant Guilds. You are well versed in the politics of the College of Guildmasters, and bureaucracy comes as easy to you as breathing. Surrounded by merchants, tradesfolk, and high earners from an early age, you have developed a tallent for business. Connections with the powerfull and rich can always be used to enrich oneself further.
Social Stratum
Upper Class
Skill Proficiency
Language Proficiency
Dwarvish (International language of trade)
Tool Proficiency
Economist's kit
Starting equipment
Economist's kit
Starting equipment
One Gold Coin


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