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Origins - Stormlander

A character that grew up among the Stormlanders gains the following mechanical traits from their Origin.


The Stormlands have been your home growing up. In the dark forests and hills, you quickly leaned that you must be strong and trust your fellows to survive these harsh lands. Stand by you friends and clan, and together you can weather the storms and drive back the darkness.   Hard lands make for an even harder people:
Ability Score Increase: +1 Strength
Cultural language: Jotun


You are a loyal member of your Clan. When hard labour is required, you and your fellow Clansfolk work from dawn to dusk on the farms and in the lumbercamps. When the Chiefs raise the warbanner you stand side by side in the shieldwall. You do not give in, for Clan and Country!
Social Stratum
Working Class
Tool Proficiency
Carver's tools
Skill Proficienciy
Back to back
You have learned that only together do people have the best chance of survial. You can shield an ally during combat while you are adjacent to each other. As a free action you grant yourself and your chosen ally a +1 bonus to AC. This lasts until you and your ally are no longer adjacent to one another. You can only have one instance of back to back active at a time, but the effect does stack if multiple people can use the ability.
Starting Equipment
Carver's tools
Starting Funds
One Silver Coin

Hunter's Society

Instead of cowering if fear of the monsters that stalk the forests, you have taught yourself to hunt them in turn using powerful hunting bows crafted from Yew trees. Someone must protect your people from the dangers of the dark forests, and there is good money to be made from hides and materials.
Social Stratum
Working Class
Armour Proficiency
Light armour
Weapon Proficiency
Tool Proficiency
Fletcher's tools, Leatherworker's tools
Skill Proficiency
Surivival. Stealth
Hide Tanner
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing leather armour
Starting Equipment
Fletcher's tools, leatherworker's tools, studded leather armour, longbow, quiver of arrows
Starting Funds
One Silver Coin

Skysteel smith

One of your home's greatest achievements is the forging of legendary Skysteel, a steel that is lighter and sharper than its contemporary and can chanel the might of the Stormwinds directly. You have worked in the forges and smithies that produce these wonders of craftsmanship and know the secrets of how they are created.
Social Stratum
Middle Class
Tool Proficiency
Smithing Tools
Personal Masterpiece
You start with a martial weapon made of Skysteel. This weapon can be any magical +1 weapon. Special runes and magical effects can be smithed into this weapon.
Starting Equipment
Smithing Tools
Starting Funds
One Bag of Silver


You come from a long line of Dukes that have ruled the Stormlands since before recorded history. You take great pride in your heritage and the strength of you people. You and your cousins stand brave and proud in defence of your home.
Social Stratum
Upper Class
Skill Proficiency
Language Proficiency
Giant (Official court language of the Stormland's Alliance)
Tool Proficiency
Choose any tool proficiency
Starting Funds
One Gold Coin


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