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The Stormlanders are the Tamedfolk that live in the Stormlands, a region of thick forests and hills north of the Broken Coast. The Stormlanders are a hardy people, who live a rough country. They are foresters, hunter, farmers, and wariors who live in a feudal society of clans.

Four Pillars

What dangers do they face?


The armies of the Klassenberg Reik have invaded the Stormlands in a bid to unite the entirety of the Heartlands under their rule. The Stormlanders are no strangers to battle, and have taken to fighting a defensive war using rough terain, hardened soldiers and strong castles. The war has taken it's toll on the people, with most of the northern duchies either overrun or completely ravaged by the fighting.  

Monsters in the dark

The forests and hills of the Stormlands are teeming with dangerous animals and monsters. Fed by the power of the Stormwinds, these creatures are a constant danger to the locals.  

What fortunes do they have?

The Mother provides

The Stormwinds feed the land and in turn the land provides for the people. The stormlands yield a great amount of natural resources that the locals harvest. This is especially true for the mineral deposits found in the hills of the Stormlands. Ore deposits that have absorbed the Stormwinds can be crafted into the legendary Skysteel.  

Strength of Ages

Many of the Stormlanders live in and around the ancient castles of the Stormgiants, a race of powerful giantkin said to be the children of Rán herself. These castles have stood for thousands of years, and while many of them are abandoned ruins, many others are now inhabitted by the Stormlords.  

What products do they make?

The Stormlanders produce great amounts of lumber from their vast forests. This lumber is sold to the Free Cities to make ships. Many of the monsters in the Stormlands grow Heartcrystals (known as Soulstones on the Broken Coast), due to the influence of Rán. These monsters are hunted and their materials sold to the Free City artefabrians. The hills of the Stormlands are rich in minerals, and mining is the third lagerst industry by value. Especially the special ore deposits that create the legendary Skysteel that Stormlander smiths are famous for.  

What are their hopes for the future?

As enduring as the stones

Stormlanders have lived on their lands for millenia, and have never been succesfully invaded by any other country, or destoyed in an Incursion. They are strong and enduring, and will not give up the fight.  

Peace with the old enemy

There has been a longstanding conflict between the Stormlanders and many of the Kostus Tribes. The onset of the war has given reason to bury these hostilities. The temporary alliance between the tribes and duchies has given hope that a longterm sollution for these conflicts can be found.  

Reinstate the Stormking

Delving into the old castles of the giantkin has unraveled many mysterious artefacts of the old Stormgiants. Among them are pieces of regalia worn by the previous rulers of the Stormlands. Rumors have been going around that the loosely allied Stormlords are of a mind to be united under a Stormking as they were long ago. It looks like the days of fighting amongst themselves are over, and a new era of a truely united Stormlands is beginning.  

Major Organisations

Organisations that have influence over the Stormlanders.
  • The Stormlands are ruled by a group of loosely allied dukes called the Stormlords.
  • The religious organisation responsible for tending to the faith of the Stormlanders is called the Watcher's Faithful


Working Class

The working class of the Stormlands consists mosly of Clansfolk, who work the fields and lumber camps. Clansfolk are made up of the following ancestries: Goliath, dwarf, gobinoids, and orc. These people have lived in these forests for most of recorded history. During the Affluence, many humans settled in the Stormlands, and over the centuries slowly integrated into the Clans.   Set appart from these clansfolk are the Hunter's Society. These Clans seperate themselves from the others by hunting in the forests, rather than working the fields. These consist mostly of wood elves and goblinoids, although many others have joined them over the centuries. They tend to live seperately in their own communities and interact far less with the other clans.  

Middle Class

The middle class of the Stormlands consists mostly of craftsfolk. They tend to hold more important positions in their clans, and are more politically powerful than their fellow clansfolk that do traditional labour. Since dwarvish minds tend to be better suited for the meticulous detail of craftsmanship, they are overrepresened in the middle class.  

Upper Class

The Stormlord nobility are the far decendents of the Stormgiants, and as such goliaths make up most of their ranks. Other ancestries have married into these lines over the millenia making the Stormlords more diverse. Over half of them are goliath, while the other half is equally distributed over the other Stormland ancestries.

Major Locations

Settlements and important locations.
  • The Old Loch.
  • Dùn Mòr.

Cultural traits

Traits that characters from this culture have that set them apart from others.
  • Strong Backs Stand Together!: Strenght is worth nothing on its own. Only togheter can true greatness be achieved.
  • Fear the Darkness: There are powerfull and dangerous creatures that live beyond the boundries of civilization. Respect and fear them for you own safety.
  • Loyalty: One must be loyal to clan and family.


Origins - Stormlander


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