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Orthodoxy of Law

The Orthodoxy of Law is the state religion of the Klassenberg Reik. Orthodoxy belief is that the Kaizer is an avatar of the god Loec, the Rulemaker. His will is regarded as absolute, and his edicts carry a divine autority. The Orthodoxy regards Loec as the supreme god among Toutorix's Chosen. Other gods in the pantheon are acknowledged, but seldom prayed to. Gods outside the Chosen are regarded as heathen, and their worship is strongly discouraged.

Worship of Leidenshaft

Loec, the Rulemaker, known to the Ortodox as Leidenshaft is regarded as the supreme god of the Reik. Authority and Law are regarded as the highest ideals by the Orthodoxy. The Orthodox believe that Leidenshaft is first among the Chosen. That they are the Monarch of Gods, and all other deities in the pantheon are subordinate to them.


The Kaiser is the head of the Orthodoxy. Under him serve a council of Apostles, who are each in control of a Devotary. These offices form the core of the executive government of the Klassenberg Reich, and are staffed by the Klerus. The spiritual needs of the populace are looked after by the Biechtvaters.


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