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Rán, the Mother of Storms (Raan)

Divine Rán


Mother of Storms
Lady of the Sea
Sailor's Bane

Divine Aspects

Storms and Thunder
Seas and Plenty
Magic and Potential

Tenents of Faith

There is always potential in Chaos
Respect the power of nature
Move ever forward


Storming Sea folk

Divine Domains

Divine Symbol

A dark cloud and lightning


Skill Proficiency: Nature
Feature: Is able to recharge Storm ablilities once per week through prayer in absence of a Storm.
Damage Type: Lightning or Thunder

Extended lore

Rán, the Mother of Storms is the goddess of the Storming Sea. She is the patron goddess of the continent of Rhudania and is the Origin for the Stormwinds that have shaped the continent and all who live there for ages. Rán is one of the Outsider Gods who has made her home on the World, and the faith of the people of the Storming Sea anchors her there. She is a goddess of tempests and chaos, who opposes laws and order. Her storms shatter and break the land, but also empower it. Her winds bring with it magical energies that feed the land and allow it to reach its full potential.   The Aspect of Rán is tempests and potential. Her followers worship her for her power and the storms that form the basis of their land and culture. These people pray to Rán to spare them her worst storms and bring them the blessings that the Storming Sea provides. The folowers of Rán wear a symbol of their faith on their person in the open so that it may absorb the power of the Stormwinds. Rán does not spare people who do not respect her power, but allows others to harnes the energies of her storms, providing them sustenance and plenty.


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