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Toutorix, the Allfather

Divine Toutorix (a.k.a. The Allfather)

Toutorix is the Lawful aspect of The Trinity of Creation. He represents order in the material plane, and is the patron god of progress and society. Toutorix is no longer alive. His consciousness was mortally wounded whilst fighting one of the outsider gods, and he has since passed into the Beyond. The Source of his power remained behind as he died, and was passed on to the current pantheon of Law, called Toutorix's Chosen. His Source is located at the summit of the Tower of Elysium , where the Chosen now watch over Dunia.
The Aspect of Toutorix lies in society, laws, and institutions. The rules that bind societies together, and the oaths and commitments that keep a society running are ruled over by Toutorix. His power comes from the prommises that people make with each other, both explicitly and implicitly.

Divine Domains

  • Order
  • Grave

Divine Symbol

A scepter and veil


Skill Proficiency: Persuation
Damage Type: Radiant


Worshipped by:

Organised Religions


Society and Progress
Oaths and Promisses
Rules and Laws
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization


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