
The town if Ivrehul resides on the island of Ivre. This island has been a holy site to the elves for thousands of years. It is said that this was the landing spot of the first Elves as they entered Coriss from another far away land or realm. Because of these stories, this town is more of a monetary. A place for Elven priests and clergy to meet and learn more about their past. The island is very isolated, and has cut its self purposefully off from its surroundings. The island itself has rocky cliffs on the shore, and no access can be made of the island without the permission of the Elves. There is one dock, with an elevator lift, other then that, it’s a hard climb up. The temples and old ruins rise up from the island like teeth, jutting from the dense forest.

Points of interest

Ivre Monastery
Large town
Location under


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