
The Na-Han find their home in the far north. Their environment is in a perpetual winter and is a harsh place to live. Hunting and fishing make up must of their daily life.


Major language groups and dialects

They speak basic and Na-Han.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Na-Han are believed to be descended from the Norwinn and perhaps the wild people.

Shared customary codes and values

If you can take it, it is yours. The Na-Han believe in strength above all else.

Common Etiquette rules

Challenges of strength are common. Any physical preceded threat is conceded grounds for a fight. With that being said, bullies are shunned for NA-Han society. Their is no room for tyrants. They call this walking the blade. It is not uncommon for one Na-Han to beat another unconscious, only to nurse them back to health in their own home.

Common Dress code

Heavy furs and leathers.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

They hold a Fire festival at Midwinter, which is a three week festival of lights and feasting.

Coming of Age Rites

At 11, the children are sent out into the wild to survive on their own for a month. If they survive, most do, they are invited back into the settlement. If they need to be rescued or receive any help, they are banished.


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