
The Norwinn are a hard people. The Norwinn can be found in The Shade Forest in the Central Neck of Coriss. This dangerous environment forged the Norwinn into strong warriors and hunters. Now, the Norwinn make up most of the population of The Province Rausgil. The Norwinn organize themselves into Clans. This Clan system is not necessarily based on family bloodlines, but can be. These clans compete for control of the local towns and cities. After a child passes their Right of passage, they are aloud to choose whatever clan they wish to join. It is traditional for the clans to bid on desired youths.


Major language groups and dialects

They Speak a older dialect of basic.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Norwinn people tell tails of journeying on the seas from far away and discovering Coriss, but there is no historic evidence of this. They worship the God Kord, and say he lead them to this land.

Shared customary codes and values

The Norwinn have a strict code of conduct and ethics that dictate their lives. This is called Koldin's Code, named after their founder Koldin Tornbyrn.   Examples of the code are:
  • No work is to be on the last weekend of every month. One must celebrate the work one has done.
  • Rights of engagement must be made to the mother of the women you wish to marry. You must give a gift worth three times your weekly salary to be considered. 
  • Contracts and deals must observe the traditional Rights of promise. 
  • Trial by combat is acceptable for any issue one has for another. Trial to the death is only allowed if the Right to Vengeance is declared. 
  • Declarations of War are mandatory, and must be preserved. Only a coward would stab at another's back.

Common Etiquette rules

The Norwinn are very formal until the right of friendship is performed. They consider informality as extremely rude.

Common Dress code

Furs and leathers are commonly worn.

Art & Architecture

The Norwinn have large ornate wooden sculptures of hero's of old and Spirit animals they pay tribute to.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

grasping forearms and lightly touching foreheads is a traditional greeting one give someone you are already are familiar with.  Gifts are traditional when one stays in someone's home.

Coming of Age Rites

When a youth comes of age at 16, they must travel to Erenheim and give an offering to Kord. Then they must hunt and return with a trophy from one of there honored Animal creatures. Upon return, they will choose a Clan to join.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The bodies are burned, and the bones are placed into ornate box with illustrative stories of the loved ones life and achievements. These boxes are displayed at local shrines for Kord or in a loved one homes.


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