The Shade Forest

The Shade Forest Lies in the Neck, just south of the Mountains of The Northern Round. The forest is know to be a dangerous dangerous place to those traveling the roads in the The Province Rausgil. There are many legends of strange creatures hunting in the dark there. There is a strong Fay connection in this forest, and people have been known to just disappear out of thin air. It is customary to hire a The Huntsmen to escort parties and caravans through this region.


A temperate forest, The Shade Forest is dense and one of the largest continuous forests in all of Coriss. The terrain is hilly and rocky.

Localized Phenomena

There is a strong Fay presence here. Some say there are doorways to the Faywild in its pools and groves.

Fauna & Flora

Many creatures can be found here, from wolves to small bands of goblins. the dangers of the forest are many.

Natural Resources

Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under


 I have traveled through this forest many a times, and its reputation is most definitely earned. I once saw a large Muldren Bear take a man off the trail and retreat into the woods in less then a blink of an eye. There was nothing to be done for the poor man. the people of Rausgil have been made hard from this forest. Stranger still, they seem to love it. It is the anvil that strengthens there resolve.


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