Alex Larrow

Alex Larrow

Alex has never been a human, born into the Tzimisce ghoul family dated back to Detroit's founding, the Larrows. Life as a ghoul is harrowing, and it's complicated being your Domitor's favorite pet.
  Accepting what you have become proves easy when you knew you were dead the day you were born. Best to tend to final regrets before loosing what little humanity was left after ghoulhood.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite the vitae he recieved from ghoulhood, Alex still looks like he is in his early 30s. Alex has a tall and lean build, with whatever musculature is demanded from his busy nights running for other peoples lives in the ER. He's self concious about his feminine hips, but that's the least of his problems these nights.

Body Features

Alex has old claw mark scars from his mortal life. That was no animal. Most of them faded or are small, but its best to cover up something that you cant or wont explain.   Healing as a vampire is great for walking off bullet wounds, but not ideal when hiding smaller blemishes. Covering up hikies the 'human way' is a lot more practical than to rouse the blood after a sucsessful hunt. Turtle necks are practical enough in the late fall months, who would notice?

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alex was born into a wealthy ghoul family and lived a relatively normal life. He had a close relationship with his parents, more so his mother. His mother married into the ghoul family and grew up without vampiric bullshit. She made sure to teach Alex to hold his own autonomy despite the circumstances. Alex has a close childhood friend, Brooke, who was also part of one of the ghoul families. The two were inseparable.   Brooke and Alex confided in each other with their struggles with ghoulhood. Alex picked up on his masters favoritism between the discrepencies of his and Brookes experiances. Whatever consequences to having a vampires obsession was kept secret and unaknowledged. Best not to add another reason why your mother cries late at night when she thinks no one can hear her.   Between being Cameron's pet project and the grueling demand of accademics, medical school almost broke him. Towards the end of this period in his life, he met Vanessa. Vanessa was recently embraced and still straddling the line between managing her humanity and her newfound monstrosity. Whatever bastardized display of passion was kept behind closed doors. Alex only ever told Brooke select details of what transpired between the two. Brooke loathed Venessa. The relationship came to a head when Vanessa cheated on Alex with another woman. He told no one about the true nature of their relationship ending, not even Brooke.   Now free from Academics and residency, Alex has been able to adjust to a new routine. He grew a bond with one of the residents, Juni, and occasionally played games with Gary. One night, a familiar monstrous figure approached Alex and his home and embraced him. Now tasked with finding his missing best friend, how will Alex adapt to his new found hunger?


Alex was very adamant on being straight his whole life. Making excuses to skip out on Brooke's boxing matches and blaming every drunk hookup on the alcohol was second nature. Catholic school and the consequent bullying left its scars.   He was forced to confront it after feeding on Brooke, and is now trying to pick up the pieces and learn more about himself. The nightlife that comes with being a vampire has forced him opportunity to become aquanted with this side of himself, and the cravings are not helping in the slightest.


Alex was enrolled in a prestigious private Catholic school to Cameron's demand. Being a pubescent ghoul in a religious institution went about as well as expected. Alex was the favorite to bully, and the staff was not any help. Some of the faculty noticed there is something off with this boy. The consensus is split between wanting him gone, or cleansing him of whatever evils are harboring in his heart. He barely made it to graduation.   Highschool Stat Block: (Teen) Alex Larrow   Cameron had plans for Alex to work at the Detroit Henry Ford hospital, so medical school was nonnegotiable. Alex chose to work in the ER, thinking the demanding pace of work would keep his mind off of his own damnation.


ER Doctor at Henry Ford Hospital. He did not find fufillment in his career choice until a young resident, Juni, inspired him. He may be in a downward spiral, but damn can he save someone else on the way down.

Failures & Embarrassments

Alex really does not like aknowledging that he got cheated on. He has not told anyone the details, expect Brooke getting details by proxy.   Not commiting suicide before he got embraced. He feels that whatever pain that he is causing to his loved ones are his fault because he couldn't pull the trigger when he had the chance.   The confrontation at St. Agnes Church between him and Venessa. Seeing his ex after years and getting shot (twice)   Having to feed off Brooke during his first nights, and it being one of the best things he has ever tasted.

Mental Trauma

Alex's response to mentral trauma is to bottle it up and tell no one about it. This worked to varrying degrees of sucsess during his ghoulhood, but as undead? Alex is being forced to confront everything.   Being addicted to a monsters blood pales in comparision to The Thrall. Alex was not prepared to be in something worse than a bloodbond and the dominating obsession that came with it. He was never ready to start holding respect for the man that hurt him in unimaginable ways. Lets hope no one calls him out for honoring Camerons 'sire' title.   Alex has many things that weigh on him. Between whatever attrocities hes commited as a ghoul and what kindred life holds for him, he is a man who carries a lot of shame.

Morality & Philosophy

Alex picked up that something was horribly wrong when his slaver took a liking to him. It's one thing to be a monsters favorite meal, but it's another to be tutored in the clans customs and history. There are deadly implications here, don't think about them or you might die sooner than planned.   He's currently on a suicide mission to kill Cameron so that his mother and Brooke can move on from this nightmare. He doesn't think he will get out of this alive, and he is going to make sure of that. He is not going to live long enough to see what potential Cameron saw in embracing him.

Personality Characteristics


Cling to humanity long enough to kill Cameron. There are no plans for his unlife past that point.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates animals at worse, tolerates them at best. The little fuckers started it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite being undead and drugs not having the same kicks to them, Alex still held on to smoking. Keeping up the habit comes with a bit of a placebo.   His prefered hunting method demands intimacy, but sticking to men is a strange attempt to sticking to his true character. Despite not accepting this side of himself in his mortal life.

Personality Quirks

Physically locks up if he tries to talk or go against his sire. This is a mix between mental trauma and an effects of the blood bond.


Despite the crippling depression, he's keeping his front and managing his hygiene. Being undead helps in cutting corners anyways.   His room is a better physical representation of his declined mental state. He was never able to bring himself to clean up the blood from his embrace and covered it with a rug. Laundry is hard enough to keep up with, it's even harder keeping everything bloodstain free.


Family Ties

Mom (married into ghoul family) Dad (born into ghoul family)

Religious Views

Religion is a complicated subject given the ghoul background. Alex's mother raised him Chrisitain, while the Sabbat teachings were left to his father.   Alex later went to a private Catholic school to Camerons demands. It was around this time that Cameron started mentoring him about their clan's history and customs, including the Sabbat's teachings.   Alex would say he was "raised christian," but not particularly religious. However, he has internalized many of the Christian ideals and he is not inclined to upset his dear mother on the subject matter.

Social Aptitude

A bit off putting and hard to read, he's not the most charasmatic guy. He's better in etiquette than in casual conversation, but he has figured out how to mask well enough to keep himself out of trouble.    He has undiagnosed autism and wouldn't take to the diagnosis well. The stigma and bias would need some work to get through.

Alex Larrow is a ER doctor at the Detroit Henry Ford Hospital. Born a ghoul to the Tzimisce, now embraced. The leash is longer, yet the grip ever tighter. Best to come to terms with what you've become.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
May 20, 1974
Detroit Area
Current Residence
Wealthy Appartment Complex
greyish blue
dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
anemic and pale, only worsened in unlife

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

Vicissitude Rules

Protean Level 2 vicissitude Amalgam: Dominate 2 Rare outside clan Tzimisce, this power allows the vampire to demand obedience of their own flesh. Skin, muscles, and even bone can be sculpted or warped out of shape, the end result sometimes unnervingly beautiful but just as often monstrous. Skilled users can craft bizarre characteristics or re-shape their entire bodies, though larger transformations exact a heavy toll on their physique. Kindred who use Vicissitude create everything from useful body-tools to… expressive ornamentations.   Dice Pools: Resolve + Protean Cost: One Rouse Check System: Roll Resolve + Protean. Every success on the roll allows a single Vicissitude change to be made to the user, though the total number of changes cannot exceed the user’s Protean rating, no matter the number of applications or successes. Each change causes the loss of a single Physical Attribute dot of the user, as the body mass must come from somewhere. (No Attribute can be taken below 1.) Each use of the power takes one full turn to perform.   Potential Vicissitude changes are listed below: Redistribution: Add a single dot to any of the user’s Physical Attributes. This cannot cause any Attribute to exceed 5 dots. These changes are visible, but not Masquerade-threatening. Weapons (Once per subject only): The user gains the equivalent of a light piercing or heavy impact weapon (+2 Damage) in the form of bone spurs or bludgeons of dense cartilage. (In contrast to Feral Weapons, the damage caused by these weapons is mundane, but Feral Weapons employed by a vampire proficient in Vicissitude often take the shape of similar osseous spikes and blades.)   Armor: One Attribute point can be turned into two points of armor value (p. 304), with an upper limit of six points of armor. This often takes the form of reinforced sub-dermal reinforced bone or layers of fat and cartilage, and appears increasingly inhuman as the points so allocated increase.   Appearance: The user can change their appearance, either for the sake of hiding their identity, enhancing their Looks Merit, or to mimic someone else. This is a time-consuming affair, taking an entire scene to perform, and requires a Dexterity + Craft test in order to succeed. Difficulty is 3 to hide one’s identity, 4 to increase Looks (each level of the Merit counts as one change) and 5 to mimic a specific person. A failure on the test yields no result (but the Attribute dot is still lost) while a total failure causes the Looks Merit to drop one level, potentially turning into a Flaw if at baseline. Nosferatu are unable to use this aspect of the power for anything but hiding their identity.   Other changes: More creative uses of this power, such as creating a secret pouch somewhere on the body or moving eyes around, are beyond the scope of these mechanics, and the Storyteller needs to decide on the number of changes (and Attribute points lost) required, and the Difficulty and time required for the operation. Dexterity + Craft and Intelligence + Medicine are the most important rolls in these cases. Changes can be mended as aggravated damage, with each change equivalent to a single level of damage (restoring lost Attribute points accordingly).   Duration: Permanent


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